Ottawa journos making jokes about body parts from homicide mailed to CPC HQ

It was sickening enough to read comments from the likes of Postmedia’s Glen McGregor, the Sun’s Stephen Lautens and the Star’s Antonia Zerbisias about the human foot mailed to Conservative Party HQ before details of the source of the foot was known:

Zerbisias – Is the CPC one foot in the grave?

McGregor –  CPC place for politico’s to be. Many blue Liberals trying to get “a foot” in CPC Door

Lautens – With all this body part stuff, I was just wondering if anyone has seen Rob Anders lately?

But it is even more so now that the body parts found mailed through Canada Post came from a homicide (see here).

How funny do you think these 3 would find it if rotting body parts were sent to them in their newsrooms? What would the reaction be from the media if a politician, police officer or medical workers snickered about this on-line?

Some journos think they have some sort of free rein and that manners and professionalism don’t apply to them.

Instead of sympathizing with the people in the Conservative Party HQ who had to deal with this and the fear of what may be next,  they display classless morbidity.

Also: CBC’s comment section is full of things such as “Harper/Conservatives deserve what they get” and conspiracy nuts spouting on about how “the Conservatives did this to themselves as a diversion” (see here)

Update: Email received from McGregor

You’re blog is suggesting that I was making light of the human foot sent
to CPC. You quoted my retweet of Manny Montenigrino, a former CPC lawyer.
I directed the RT to Ray Heard, in response to his claim that opponents of
the Conservatives were making inappropriate jokes. If you’re not familiar
with retweets, designed by RT, I suggest you Google them.

Further, I tweeted earlier in the day: “Lots of foot jokes but let’s
remember someone at #CPC actually opened that package and would likely be
very shaken by it.”

I’m sure this error was unintentional on your part, but your blog post
makes it look like I wrote what was clearly a tasteless remark.

I trust you will correct immediately.

Update: McGregor has his panties in a bunch threatening to sue me – again

When shown your blog post wrongly attributed another person’s tweet to me, you “update” my response but don’t correct the error?!

Dean, while you’re looking up the meaning of “RT”, I suggest you also familiarize yourself with the legal concept of malice.