Don Martin: Nazism and Harper

If you wonder how far Don Martin has fallen as a credible writer and to what lengths he will go to try to discredit PM Stephen Harper, check out his latest column here.

Martin sinks to a new low trying to equate Nazism with Conservatism with a reference from a much maligned book by Marci McDonald. She’s the author who has just released “The Armageddon Factor-The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada” who couldn’t even get details correct such as naming prominent Jews as Christians and smearing a non-partisan organization as some sort of Christian backed advocacy group. Ezra Levant does a nice job of exposing her bias here.

It was an absolute disgrace that Canwest continued allowing Martin to produce such garbage and hopefully the new owners won’t accept the same.

17 Responses to “Don Martin: Nazism and Harper”

  1. Ardvark Says:

    The Graves Doctrine at work. Culture war.

    • Jen Says:


      He is helping Graves accomplish his mission.

      Payback time will come to those journalists who seek to destroy for no reason at all.


      Our Nation stand tall in the International scene, countries wish that they were in our position. BRAVO CANADA.

      We are bursting will pride yet the media wish for GREECE-like.

      Read this
      Owing note of thanks for Canada’s banks

      Mulroney finance minister set up stable system

      By Alim Merali, Freelance May 1, 2010

      Read more:

      Bottom line is.. WHERE IS FOX CANADA

      Where is Christine B.

  2. James Says:

    The lengths that some of these Harper hating journalists will resort to truly knows no bounds. That is the worst smear journalism I think I’ve ever read, and that includes Travers at the Star. Don Martin should be sacked for writing such absolute fear-mongering rubbish.
    I fully support Harper and have not seen any indication whatsoever of this ‘far-right Christian agenda’ fairy tale, in his government and it’s actions.
    C’mon… raising the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16 (only christian fanatics would do this, right?), cutting funding to the gay pride parade ( govt shouldn’t be funding ANY parades!), not using my tax money for African abortions (I’m staunchly pro-choice but against this liberal manufactured diversion)… this is the best you can come up with Don??
    You know the lefty MSM is getting REALLY desperate when Harper’s numbers are still coming up solid, despite them having thrown just about every nasty, twisted bit of garbage they can at him.

  3. Ted Says:

    Yes, Godwin’s law should apply to journalists as well.

    The audacity of McDonald quoting a significant evangelical activist comparing her own youth organization to the Hitler Youth. Doesn’t she realize that makes evangelicals look bad?!?! How dare she.

    And worse, in response to that, Don Martin has the following outrageous anti-Christian effort to, as you put it, “equate Nazism with Conservatism”:

    “Yikes. Here’s some free and friendly advice, Faytene. If you aim to lead your Christian soldiers onward into political war, drop all Nazi references. Please.”

    He should definitely be fired and crucified for that. Fer shur.

    • BC Blue Says:

      You always know when the Loonie Left is out of ammo when they bring up Hitler. So pathetically desperate…

      If you want to hang your hat on a discredited author, feel free.

      • Ted Says:

        Except it was the right wingnut who made the comparison.

        How dare those Loonie Lefties quote the evangelical right!! How dare they quote the evangelical right admiring the Hitler Youth!!!!

        How desperate must you be to quote the right when you are writing about the right!!!!!!!!!!

  4. wilson Says:

    Time for Dom Martin to read these 2 articles.

    In the second article, you can find out who the ‘scary religious MP” was who said this:
    ”…for many of us faith remains the main motivator for how we practice politics and make policy…”

  5. J Says:

    I am familiar with Faytene Kryskow. Her comment was shamefully taken totally out of context. Basically, what she’s saying is that if the Nazi youth used evil as a capacity for tremendous evil, Christians can use God as a capacity for tremendous good in society.

    Marci McDonald and her media thugs nauseate me. It’s such a disgusting smear campaign. This week has been a divisive, anti-Christian week, with the CBC, Marci McDonald, and Gilles Duceppe all attacking Christians.

    Let me tell you: without Christians, many homeless would not be fed, many unloved would not be loved, many charities would go bankrupt and run dry. How dare Marci McDonald smear people of another faith.

    • harebell Says:

      So Krsytow’s own words show her for whom she is and the CPoC cuts back on charities that would support women while funding bible translations in Calgary. Meanwhile modern fundamentalist christians and the other foreign supported evangelicals have unprecedented access to policy makers and are tax exempt; and somehow that is smearing people of another faith.
      After reading what socons have accused those of other faiths and of no faith of intending, I believe you need to attend to the beam in your own eye first.

  6. real conservative Says:

    Has Martin ever taken notice that in Canada we have a genuine communist party but not a national socialist (nazi) party? Oh, I guess he didn’t see that did he. I still say the right has missed the boat on this issue: create a nazi party as a sock puppet for the left freaks to attack all day long.

  7. cantuc Says:

    I just listened to McDonald on Adler’s show . Everything he asked her she answered by “thats not what i was saying , then gave an interpretation of a few sentences or paragraphs . , that didn’t sound anything remotely like what she said she never said . Not much point reading the book because it doesn’t say what it says it says .

  8. ian Says:

    Just listened to the last few minutes of Marci on with Adler.
    Have you ever been approached by someone in the downtown area who starts talking to you about something and you try to understand but their argument keeps becoming more and more outlandish?
    She makes Mel Gibson in Consiracy Theory totally normal.

  9. Frances Says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around the notion that C S Lewis and – I think – Malcolm Muggeridge – contributed to the right-wing Christian radicalization of Mr Harper. Anglo-Catholics they both were; not, one would think, obvious allies of the hard right Christian evangelicals. Except that those evangelicals aren’t always what they seemed. I remember Catherine Ford, at the ‘Calgary Herald’ writing that she would welcome Mr Manning as a neighbour but not as a Prime Minister. She had it totally wrong, but that was her bias.

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