Goldstein challenges others in the media to cover positive Christian stories

Lorrie Goldstein (“pro-choice and Jewish”) of the Toronto Sun  invites the media (see here and here) who are hysterically “thumping” the anti-Christian Marci McDonald book to come with him down to Jane and Finch in Toronto.

There, he says you will find “courageous, black, Christian, socially conservative, evangelical pastors, trying to undo decades of damage caused by secular, liberal, social engineers, who decades ago, thought just like they do today.”

I won’t hold my breath though… (see column here)

9 Responses to “Goldstein challenges others in the media to cover positive Christian stories”

  1. dollops Says:

    Cynical me, I suspect that any *positive* coverage by the secular humanist crowd would be so smoothered in condescension and caveats that the believers’ message would be negated.

  2. real conservative Says:

    Lorrie is correct. I live about 3 kms from Jane and Finch in Toronto and have for 20 years now. I know this area. I know committed Christians, black, white, native etc., working in the area. It is not B/S! Also, it is about reaching out before preaching out.

  3. ck Says:

    Problems at Jane & finch and probably other rough poverty stricken neighborhoods in the Rest of Canada caused by “damage caused by secular, liberal, social engineers”

    Wow! And poverty didn’t play any roll in this?

    You all scream against Muslim extremism, as you should, extremism in any religious denomination is dangerous.

    Why would you want Christian extremism?

    Evangelicals are sooo great! Yeah, caught them on TV a few times, stealing money from gullable lonely senior citizens who actually believe them.

    • BC Blue Says:

      And who is the the only national political party leader who espouses to become a minister?

      • Patrick Ross Says:

        Oh, I’d be careful, Dean. You don’t want to make the Chickenwanker’s head explode.

      • canadiansense Says:

        CK religious intolerance suffers from the true socialist utopia on earth. Like Marci she treats those who don’t share her Stalin, Mao, Chavez, Gore redistribution theory, population control religion as dangerous and stupid.

        If a female is a Conservative she must be a puppet to the Conservative men. It is frightening how Marci and CK use a paintbrush and treat her enemies.

        CK believes here socialist utopia religion should be the only one allowed.
        Not all Christians think or act alike they are not Robots. Sadly people like CK engage in demonizing the group because the actions of the few.

        I don’t think ALL Socialist fundamentalist probably pre-ordered a Blue-ray copy of Avatar.

        I won’t dehumanize them or use a paint brush in suggesting they are ALL slaves to the Utopia on earth society.

    • Patrick Ross Says:

      CK, do you really want to get into discrediting the work done by a particular group by pointing out that they failed?

      Because we can do that. I’ll be more than happy to, if you can muster the guts.

      Maybe we should start with the decades of socialist poverty-fighting policies that have failed, from urban slums to aboriginal reserves.

  4. Jan Webb Says:

    Perhaps your point would be more valid if ALL poor people committed crimes and got involved in drugs. Then you could legitimately blame “poverty”. But the fact is, they don’t. Try asking if making wrong “moral” choices might also be a factor. Oops, I forgot. In our enlightened secular society we don’t ever label things right and wrong anymore. It’s now about what I need, not you.

  5. Patrick Ross Says:

    You know, I’m starting to wonder about Marci McDonald the “centrist”. The “moderate”. She has yet to come out and clarify the benign intent of her work for those who clearly intend to use it for cultural warfare.

    It certainly doesn’t help that, as Molly Worthen points out in the Globe and Mail, McDonald has made bucketloads of errors in her interpretation of various Evangelical Theologies, has understated the amount of diversity within Evangelical Christianity, and has relied heavily on politically-motivated panic-mongering published south of the border.

    It must suck for the allegedly pro-intellectual far left to have their bubbles burst by a Yale scholar. Personally, I quite enjoy it.

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