U of O Pres Alan Rock’s released emails about Ann Coulter

Nothing is usually shocking about the hypocrisy of the Liberal mind but I was actually stunned when I read what the University of Ottawa’s Alan Rock  had emailed out about Ann Coulter and her scheduled speaking engagement at the campus. Check out the public responses he was giving here.

Now compare it to what he was actually saying.

Rock directed Francois Houle, vice-president academic and provost to warn Coulter:

“You, Francois, as Provost, should write immediately to Coulter informing her of our domestic laws. … You should urge her to respect that Canadian tradition as she enjoys the privilege of her visit.”

“Ann Coulter is a mean-spirited, small-minded, foul-mouthed poltroon. “She is ‘the loud mouth that bespeaks the vacant mind’.”

“She is an ill-informed and deeply offensive shill for a profoundly shallow and ignorant view of the world. She is a malignancy on the body politic. She is a disgrace to the broadcasting industry and a leading example of the dramatic decline in the quality of public discourse in recent times.”

Rock’s reaction to Houle’s proposed letter:

“Quel excellent message! Merci et felicitations. I am sure she has never been dressed down so elegantly in her life!”

Then when this all blew up in the collective University’s face and advised to lay low by the communication’s director Andree Dumulon:

“I am going to follow Andree’s advice”

Keep in mind that all this is from an ex-Justice Minister. (see story here)

h/t Alberta Ardvark

7 Responses to “U of O Pres Alan Rock’s released emails about Ann Coulter”

  1. fern st albert Says:

    So what do you call it when you hide behind someone else’s backside? Poor man, he’s got a streak of “yella” a mile wide and and inch deep. Cheers.

  2. byng Says:

    the ridicule this political hack buffoon has brought upon th U of O, is well deserved. – Oh that he would resign, and give up his “entitlement” – wonder what Ms. Coulter’s response might be ?

  3. Alberta Bob Says:

    I wonder how Ann Coulters’ Humans Rights complaint is progressing?

  4. Bec Says:

    The “tolerant left” at their best!
    From a previous Justice Minister, makes it even more disgusting. What mindless bigotry.

  5. alex Says:

    I can’t stand liberals. Why would anyone give this scum the time of day?

  6. Well, well…look who else was involved in U of O/Ann Coulter fiasco « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] of U of O President and former Liberal cabinet minister Allan Rock’s FOI-released emails (see earlier post here) come to […]

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