Sun’s Levant puts faces to the names of Mean Girls media clique

I have been enjoying Sun News’ Ezra Levant exposing the blatant hypocrisy of the Globe’s on-line editor Steven Wicary moving to Communist Cuba but especially loved when he posted the Mean Girls clique’s bon voyage party for him.

I had heard via Twitter of this get-together and since Wicary was so proud of his “Media Party” Facebook photo, I got a huge chuckle out of Levant posting it and attaching name tags for his viewers (see here 16 min mark).

Wicary, like most in this tight little group don’t enjoy receiving what they so readily dish out as this Tweet from Wicary calling me “a rat” shows:

You really have to wonder what is going through Wicary’s mind to have included Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Communication Director Andrew MacDougall in that snide Tweet but it doesn’t take much to provoke these thin-skinned Press Gallery types who can’t believe anyone would dare question their biases and agendas:

After all the years of getting away with journalistic murder,  it must painfully frustrating to have the spotlight now shining directly on them.



37 Responses to “Sun’s Levant puts faces to the names of Mean Girls media clique”

  1. Liz J Says:

    Ah, moving to Castro’s Cuba where the state owns everything, including your underwear should be a real hoot. Perhaps one could get to interview the darling of the Left, Omie Kadhr. Maybe one could even get an audience with Fidel and reminisce about his late friend and admirer Pierre Trudeau. Oh the possibilities, rum, cigars, weather…….

    • Frances Auger Says:

      Somehow I don’t think he will live in simple, egalitarian glory – he will be feted and paraded as a trophy by the regime. While the “peons” continue to plot and risk their lives to escaped the worker’s paradise, known as Cuba. And what’s with the Radio Canada guy who is now running as a high profile candidate for the PQ’?. Now that is an organization that shoulld be defuned “tout suite”. Separatist 5th column. lol cheers

    • Brrr Says:

      Cuba has changed a lot in the past few years. I was quite surprised when I went there, things are a LOT better than the Exiles in Miami try to tell us. Not everything is state owned anymore. There’s plenty of free enterprise. People can and do own their own homes, cars, etc. Cell phones, DVD players, computers, satellite TV, etc, are all found in abundance all over the island.

      • BC Blue Says:

        The Commie’s Useful Idiots show up

        • JJ Says:

          Good to see you’re keeping it classy. Other people’s opinions are just so stupid, aren’t they? Got anything better than name-calling, or do you always run from differing opinions?

        • BC Blue Says:

          Or you could just do everyone a favour and not come on my blog. Now go away…

        • Brrr Says:

          I’m far from a commie. I’m a founding Reformer, my only real critique of Harper is that he’s not nearly conservative enough. I’ve also got little patience for the left in this country.

          I’m just pointing out the inaccuracies in Liz J’s post based on what I’ve seen first hand, not claiming an affinity for their politics.

  2. Fat Tony Says:

    Ezra sums it up perfectly. He is a pleasure to listen to.

  3. Mary Hines Says:

    Love Ezra – Wouldn’t miss his show!!! Guess the media lefties are a bit nervous some of their hypocracy is being exposed!

  4. Dirt Says:

    I hope he enjoys the lack of freedom of speech in Cuba, the meat and sugar rations etc? Or will he be included into the club of the communist elites where they do not suffer like the peasants?

  5. Rob C Says:

    He will be in the club of elites, Cuba look after any useful idiots it finds for as long as they (cuba) needs them..

  6. john Says:

    Don’t care *WHY* he left. It’s just good that he left. It will be even better if he stays there for the rest of his life.

  7. john Says:

    Is there ANY photo of Kady O’Malley in existance where she is not acting all “cutsie-poo” for the camera?

    Bloody hell! This vacuous bint must have a P.H.D. in Airhead!

    Someone should present her as an article in a medical journal. I honestly didn’t think it was physiologically possible to be that stupid!

  8. Sean M Says:

    It would be nice if Wicary, the commie rat disguised as a journalist would take some of his commie media comrades with him… Canada would be a lot better off with these fraudsters and play time commies gone for good. Anyone want to bet when this play time commie has had enough of the oppressive Castro regime and comes back to Canada where he can spew his anti Canadian rhetoric. Know that he won’t, but wish this useful idiot would stay in Cuba playing commie for the rest of his life. What a colossal A-Hole!

  9. Steven Says:

    It was awsome when he kept reffering to Wickary as a Mean Girl , it was for sure a smack down

  10. Jen Says:

    A communist like Fidel do not trust another commie or socialist, especially people like Wicary.

  11. Thucydides Says:

    Of course he will be kept in the guilded cage for useful idiots, but he will not even be aware of the fact he is living in a cage, nor will he (being a CBC “journalist”) seek to explore outside the cage…Too bad we will probably be forced to hear his propagandizing on the CBC for as long as his socialist masters consider him useful

  12. Sean M Says:

    Wicary and the pack of dim-wit “mean-girls” pictured above are monumental hypocrites, dis-honest to the core. To think that these idiot “journalists” attack the PM and the elected Government over anything and everything, whether real or manufactured, constantly whipping up decent, whining about the state of our democracy, and then turn around and cheer on some useful idiot Marxist on his way to live in Communist Cuba is stunning. Really a great example of how dishonest, hypocritical, untrustworthy, and colossally stupid the Media in Canada are. Judging by their smug faces I would suggest that they don’t even care how bad it looks on them. Useful idiots indeed!

    • brian mouland Says:

      After the last election when Ottawa and GTA Liberals got creamed these fools might have got the message that whatever they say doesnt matter much but that reality does not get through their thick skulls

  13. alan Says:

    I think what’s really got Wicary and the #MediaParty’s goat is that they know that Ezra is right on this one.

    Professional Canadian journalists would have to know at least anecdotally about how Cuba handles political prisoners, dissenters, freedom issues of speech/assembly/movement, and uses police powers.

    Essentially every Cuban that Wicary will encounter is a prisoner of that island, without the ability to freely travel abroad or emigrate.

    Wicary will never be sure that his phone isn’t tapped, that his communications aren’t being monitored, or that he isn’t under some form of surveillance.

    Any benefit that Wicary or his wife provides to the island is a benefit provided to continue the Castro regime and their submissive stifling and smothering of the population.

    Everything that Wicary rails against here in Canadian politics is what he’ll have to publicly accept in Cuba.

    • Mary Hines Says:

      Right on! Exacting what Ezra brought to light!! That is why the left wing ding-bats are so angry!!! The truth of their little “games” are being exposed – and nightly!!! Thank goodness for “Sun” Let permote it all we can – we need a channel like Sun and must do everything we can to make sure it stays!!!

    • MaryLS Says:

      What Ezra so brilliantly reveals is that these folks are not at all “pro-democracy” — they are essentially anti-Conservative. When democracy is squelched by the left, they are perfectly willing to accommodate. The other thing that should really make these people squirm is that there is a blatant and obvious pack mentality. These people are not independent thinkers, but have a need to assure themselves (and others) that they are on the same page as their friends. Ever notice how whenever a grudging positive article comes up, the journalist makes a point of insisting they are no friend of Harpers, or counters whatever point is being made with the obligatory negative. Then they are forever congratulating one another on Twitter. It is all very transparent — and “Mean Girls” is the perfect analogy.

  14. Jones Says:

    Despite reading Ezra’s article I had to search the internet to find out why this guy is going to Cuba. I don’t know who he is other than from Ezra’s description but if Ezra insists on trying to form my opinion by giving me half the story then he’s lost me as a reader.
    If anyone cares.. go google it yourself… I’m disgusted.

    • BC Blue Says:

      Seriously, “Go Google it yourself”…?

      • alan Says:

        I don’t quite get it.
        Jones is disgusted. Jones thinks somebody else is trying form his opinion. Jones thinks only half of the story is being told by Ezra. Hmmmm.
        What half wasn’t being told? What did Jones find out by ‘googling it’?
        Didn’t Ezra not talk about Chris Wicary going to Cuba to work for CARE Canada? Didn’t Ezra say that Wicary was simply following his wife for a few years to stay under the sunny communist roof of Cuba?

        What I would love to read about is Wicary’s opinion of the Cuban Government and the policies it rigidly adheres to.
        I would dare Wicary to write fulsomely about any and all problems faced by Cubans due to Communist principles.
        It would be interesting to read Wicary discussing the differences in where the tourists and foreigners reside, and where Cubans live.
        I would love to read a report from Cuba with Wicary describing all the opportunities that Cubans have in where they work, live, shop, eat, and travel.
        How ‘tourist’ shops and restaurant have plentiful quality food, when ‘Cuban’ shops operate with barren shelves with poor quality food and supplies.
        How the bars and restaurants visited by Wicary and his wife are off-limits to non-government Cubans.
        How Cubans cannot legally tune into TV or radio that is not government run.
        How Cubans cannot read non-government approved books.
        How non-Communist party members cannot seek higher education.
        How Wicary will not be able to use the internet for anything and everything he wants, that he’ll be subject to filtering and rules that are government-imposed.

        And finally, one thing I would love to see Wicary publicly write about or talk about while in Cuba is how he truly feels about Castro and the government after seeing its seedy underbelly. Let’s see if he can wants to write so abjectly about the governement there as he does here.

        • Jones Says:

          Thanks Alan, for Googling it…

          “Didn’t Ezra not talk about Chris Wicary going to Cuba to work for CARE Canada? Didn’t Ezra say that Wicary was simply following his wife for a few years to stay under the sunny communist roof of Cuba?”

          No, He. Did. Not. … and you’re the first to here.
          I’m referring to the article Ezra wrote in the Sun newspaper which certainly should have included that information.

          Actually it’s his wife going to work in a high position for CARE Canada but you’re close enough.

          Ezra must give all the facts. He can’t just limit information to form opinions or he’ll look like a shrill to anyone not already on the bandwagon. Fox news defines the art form – they present and then after opinions are formed follow through with all the info so as not to put their viewers in a “oh – didn’t hear that” situation. Try watching a Fox news story from the middle then from the start to get a better idea of the technique.

          Kudos to B.C. Blue for actually posting my initial comment.

          “Brrr” .. you bring some maturity to this discussion.

    • john Says:

      “…then he’s lost me as a reader.” Did he have you as a reader to begin with, or are you just trying to act all self righteous?

      I don’t give the slightest damn if Ezra is telling the entire story or half the story or what. He is giving the media clique (and YES they ARE a clique) a well deserved dose of what they hand out so enthusiastically – BAD PRESS. So screw them. As far as losing you as a reader – whatever.

  15. Bubba Brown Says:

    Ezra Rocks!
    What a smug looking bunch of lefty’s.
    Cholera has shown up in the “workers paradise”
    Send Michael Moore to investigate.
    Remember Mr mildewski showing up all weepy cause he was gettin’ just a little flack here?
    Manly girls and girly men

  16. mahmood Says:

    Why would CARE Canada have to be in commie paradise Cuba? Perhaps Wicary will fill in the blanks.

  17. Brrr Says:

    CARE (and other aid agencies) are there because the US Embargo has crippled their economy. It’s not just trade with the US that restricted, but severe penalties are placed on other nations who trade with Cuba as well, so very little comes in or out. They don’t even bother harvesting most of their sugar crops (their largest resource) because other countries won’t buy it for fear of reprisals from the US.

    I guess it is easy to misplace my affinity for Cuba with one for Communism, but I assure all of you nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not their socialism that impresses me, but rather their fiscal CONSERVATISM. I firmly believe that Conservative governments could learn a lot from Cuba’s ability to make do with next to nothing. It’s amazing how resourceful you can be when you have essentially nothing. It only serves to reinforce my belief in how much less we could (and should) be spending here to provide the services we get here.

  18. brian mouland Says:

    All of the Media Party could move to Cuba and Canada would be better off. You next Comrade Milewskiov

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