Citizen’s Dan “The Ego” Gardner gets schooled on Khadr court decision

The Ottawa Citizen’s Dan Gardner has a very high opinion of himself and likes to pretend he is the intellectual superior to all us peons, so I always get a great kick out of when this narcissist is outed by someone like Norman Spector.

In response to Gardner’s column titled “It’s not just about Khadr” Spector reminds Gardner of what the court decision really said via this Twitter exchange:

Dear @dgardner Here’s the last word of the Federal Court of Appeal Chief Justice)–a Court to which you refer

Dear @nspector4: Here’s the SCC decision, summarizing previous rulings. NB: “Federal Court of Appeal upheld the order.”

@dgardner SCC upheld different fed court decision; blais final word of fed court of appeal comes post-SCC

@nspector4 But the SCC *didn’t* uphold the order. And I would like to think the SCC decision is the final word on what lower courts decided.

@dgardner Blais ruling was not appealed and allowed the Khadr trial to begin. Worth mentioning IMO

@nspector4 Not for the limited point I was making.

@dgardner Not for the point you were making

The great Globe article Spector links is perfectly summarized in the opening paragraph:

A court ruling that would have obliged Ottawa to repatriate Omar Khadr or intercede on his behalf while he’s in U.S. custody meddled with the federal government’s right to call the shots on foreign affairs, a federal appeal court judge says.

Normally, Gardner’s tactic is to call someone who confronts him “too stupid to understand” so I’m loving the idea that it has to just eat away at him to be so publicly exposed by a person with the credentials that Spector carries.

Also: See earlier post of Gardner comparing Harper to Mussolini here

Update: The Ego has graced us with a Tweet calling everyone who is against Khadr being allowed back into Canada a smarmy name.

Hey, Khadr-phobes: You seem to think all Gitmo grads go terrorist. Know what the confirmed rate is? Maybe 4% (see here)

11 Responses to “Citizen’s Dan “The Ego” Gardner gets schooled on Khadr court decision”

  1. Yes We Can't Says:

    Gardner is a never ending river of chuckles and laughs and a legend in his own mind which makes him even funnier.

  2. Liz J Says:

    Sorry but it is about Khadr, it’s who he is, how he was raised and trained to become a terrorist and ultimately what he did, killing a member of our allied forces when we had soldiers in the field as well. This is tantamount to fighting against his own country.
    What gets me is how the Leftists seem to think Khadr and his ilk should have the right to carry a copy of the Trudeau Charter to all the hellholes of the world they operate in, commit terrorist acts and be protected by it.

    • Jen Says:

      Do you recall the opposition parties lashing out at the PM for not bringing back Omar? I do. I remember mps(not all) from from the ndp, lib, bloc parties ranted every single day for the return of Omar and, not only that, I remember them demanding that the PM follows or accepts Obama request to nations to take in some of the terrorists from Gitmo to which the PM in a minority government said NO,
      Remember how the media were all over the PM for not following the opposition parties orders.

      I just wish that Ezra would show tapes of the opposition dermanding the return of Omar.

      Had the PM a majority government back then, Omar would not be coming back.

  3. Dirt Says:

    One of Khadr’s allumni from Gitmo just suicide bombed a bus with Jews in it, the media best be careful that the worm doesn’t turn and put a hook in their appeasing mouths. Nice job of holding the Media Bubble to account Dean, you are one of the few who makes that effort.

  4. Sean M Says:

    Up until a few months ago I had thankfully never heard of Gardner… then I saw him on “Question period at CBC light, CTV. What an arrogant twit he was, crying about the failing state of the EU and how it was such a great idea, and how anyone who disagrees is “just plain wrong”. No surprise that he’s one of the Media Party useful idiots screaming for a murdering terrorist like Khadr and his Trudeau “rights”. Gardner comes off as a complete arsehole, twisting the facts to suit his narrative. Not a big fan of Spector, but good for him.

  5. kootenaybob Says:

    According to Breitbart one of the 4% blew up a bus in Bulgaria today ….….and these guys want Kahdr back…?

  6. Rod Says:

    Maybe 4% of Gitmo grads go terrorist??? HALF OF A PERCENT IS TOO MUCH!! What a f^#@*&g maroon!!

  7. In the Trenches Says:

    Sorry, but I can’t agree with your assessment. Your glee comes across as a little childish, frankly, when it leaps on such a trivial point. Generally, Gardner backs his points up with good, documented evidence, and having seen him speak once, I can say that I never found his tone patronising. From the article you reference, as well as from the comments here, I don’t get the sense that facts are being assessed clearly. The article was about the erosion of the rights of Canadian citizens, and used Khadr’s case as an example of how, if the government dislikes you enough, it can strip you arbitrarily, and without recourse to the processes we all depend on for fairness, of your basic rights to be heard. I don’t know Khadr; maybe he’s guilty, and maybe he’s even a prick personally: but he needs a real trial, and all Canadians need to know that if they were (God forbid) ever accused of something terrible, they would at least get to tell their side of things and be judged properly in court. I didn’t elect my government so that they could become arbitrary tyrants: I want their powers to be limited to what is in my best interest, as their employer.

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