Oh oh, another media driven anti-Harper meme proven false

The Ottawa Press Gallery love to push along their own anti-Conservative leanings like they did at their recent conference (see here) even when the facts don’t support their biases:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have been accused to using their majority to hide too much committee business behind closed doors.

But figures provided by the Library of Parliament show that during Martin’s first and only majority session of Parliament in early 2004, committees spent close to 215 hours meeting out of the public eye — an average of one hour and 56 minutes a day over the 111 days of that short parliamentary session.

Another former Liberal prime minister, Jean Chretien, presided over the second-most secretive session for committee meetings. (see here)

Just don’t look for the media to admit, once again, how absolutely false their coverage actually is.

Update: And of course CBC Kady gets a jump ‘explaining’ the irrelevancy of trying to compare rates of in-camera committee meetings between governments. Nice to see her working Sunday though right? (see here)

Update: Looks like this story hit a few nerves as it looks like it has now been added on to since it originally ran

Update: This is getting pretty hilarious as CBC Kady has also updated her already huge post on it

Update: CBC Kady just can’t let this go and has posted for the 3rd time on it (see here)

Update: CBC Kady wins the battle against CP’s Steve Rennie as CP issues a “correction” (see here)

15 Responses to “Oh oh, another media driven anti-Harper meme proven false”

  1. Alain Says:

    The Media Party fails to understand that the campaign is over, the election is over and Canadians elected a majority CPC government. They are still in full campaign mode, which means they haven’t yet caught up with reality.

    • bertie Says:

      They would not know reality,if it bit them or kicked them in the ass..Who pays these jerks anyway??The owner’s must have one hell of a hate on for CANADA..Maybe some investigation is in order to find out if outside interests are now subsidizing these rags.Their readership and circulation has gone down dramatically,so they must be losing money in the millions..Would be interesting to get a list of the major players in these papers,because I cannot believe that so many reporters still type out this drivel day after day knowing it is false.

  2. Liz J Says:

    Freaking journalistic tools bypass the investigative necessities before shooting off when the truth, the facts would kill their anti-Harper, anti-Conservative agenda. Thankfully we have people in the blogosphere who do the digging and get the facts out.
    They’ve caught up with reality it’s just that they don’t like it so they’re hoping they can ignore the facts and no one will notice or call them on it. It’s up to us to use the info dug up by our illustrious bloggers and go after the papers and networks who are allowing this to go on.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    “Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have been accused to using their majority to hide too much committee business behind closed doors.”

    Is that like when the Media Party used its majority to bury the story of that committee struck to investigate the taxpayer-funded CBC for its spending practices and its culture of secrecy? Just wonderin’.

  4. Bec Says:

    These people that write this garbage are bullies and goons. Intellectually, they are wanna be’s but time after time, they are proven to be never will be’s.
    Abysmal journalism in this country has become the norm with this as one mere example but at some point it would be nice to know that incompetency is acknowledged by action.
    We don’t expect it from the blinder wearing, subsidized lame horse called the CBC but these other guys? Are they serious letting this pass the smell test?

    How many times to we need to say, ‘no thank you’, ‘quit killing trees’, ‘you are hiring really dumb researchers’, ‘your giving journalism a bad name’ before they get it?
    A personal ideology has NO place in truth telling through journalism unless it can be supported with truth. These people just do not get that part of the equation.

  5. cantuc Says:

    She’s taking a break from spamming for Coyne , on taxpayers dime ?

    • BC Blue Says:

      The Mean Girls quickly send out these heads-ups to rest of the Ottawa media pack to make sure they don’t stray. Notice that the story changed to reflect what she wrote?

  6. Fay Says:

    Good work BC Blue!

  7. cantuc Says:

    She gets away with a lot of BS by threatening to make you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about and scares 95% of dissent away . If you check her so-called facts , they aren’t always entirely facts . Like her much touted liberal celebration of charter anniversarys , for instance . A liberal PM reading a statement followed by few sandwitches and some cheap koolaid is now a celebration , according to the almighty O’Malley.

  8. bettie Says:

    I sent a comment to Kady’s piece, and it was not published… not the first time that’s happened. SO, all the positive comments to her articles aren’t true representation of what readers think.

  9. marryt Says:

    Quick, send a message to all the media honchos, just cause you refuse to print the truth, doesn’t mean we wont find it ourselves. And every time we do, it makes the media bigger losers. The world has changed, we all have access to information the media forgets is out there.

    • Jen Says:

      Send this info to Evans Solomon at CBC you know how he LUVS to read the twitter. Let’s see how fast he reads the twitters.

  10. Joseph Says:

    Perhaps a few memos to James Moore to remind him that the CBC has yet to comply with some overdue access to information requests.
    It’s about time the OPG be given a story they can’t ignore.
    CBC reporters denied access to Parliament until they comply with public access request.
    Won’t hold my breath.

  11. Sean M Says:

    I would be interested to know, besides the Canadian taxpayer, who it is that pays the bills for the MSM stooges. It’s so clear that the media ranks are full of radicals and activists, marxists, socialists, and Canada haters in general, most don’t have the slightest idea of the role journalists play in a semi free society. Most MSM journalists are terrible at their jobs, so how on earth do they manage to keep them. The answer must lie with their bosses… who are they and why do they have such low standards in whom they employ? Clearly most journalists are simply puppets for the money men behind the curtain. Why do these money vultures hate Canada so much, and why do they hire such sleazy incompetent employees that essentially lie for a living?

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