NDP leader keynote speaker at Canadian Journalists Association conference

There is a conference going on this weekend in Toronto of the group, The Canadian Journalists Association who are gathered for workshops, an award ceremony and to listen to guest speakers (see here).

Whatever right – but then an ‘award’ that was handed-out caught my attention:

Harper government wins Code of Silence Award, again

This got me thinking to how they arrived at this conclusion ie was it through data collection and empirical evidence  comparing the Conservatives to the provincial and municipal governments? Turns out it’s done by votes from their 600 members and since most cover federal politics, ta da! (see here)

Then another question popped into my head when I saw that NDP leader Thomas Mulcair was scheduled to be their keynote speaker – is it common practice for the CAJ to have political party leaders featured at their conventions? What possible benefit to its membership would it be to have Mulcair give a speech?

I also have a question on how the CAJ board of directors thought it appropriate to have the website publisher of the viciously anti-Conservative and vehemently anti-Israeli rabble.ca as one of the speakers and who also happens to be NDP MP Libby Davies’ life-partner?

Anyone gonna hold their breath waiting for these answers?

15 Responses to “NDP leader keynote speaker at Canadian Journalists Association conference”

  1. Jen Says:

    ‘Code of Silence’ award …again? So what. No intelligent person would want to be in that atsmorphere.
    What can possibly be talked about:
    Kyoto?, Mulclairs’ idea of two budgets>one for canada and one for Quebec? Shutting down the oilsands? their beloved long lost child terrorist Omar Khadr? the taliban? regulating the media? moratorium across? taking money from american unions during the election which is by the way, against Elections Rules? Robocalls?

    Code of Silence award to Harper? that’s hilarious
    I say ‘Code of Silence’ award goes to the media. The people are so scared of the ndp and liberals that they remain silent.

  2. marryt Says:

    Will his speech be in english or french or maybe both.

  3. john Says:

    “Harper government wins Code of Silence Award, again” Ok journalists get your mommies to read this for youbecause since you are obviously too ****ing stupid to come to simple conclusions by yourselves then you are probably too stupid to read.

    The Harper conservatives DON’T CARE what you think of them. ……Get it? …… Conservatives in this country know damned well the news media works for the other side and have given up expecting unbiased reporting so they have FINALLY come to the healthy realization that they don’t have to suck up to the press! Soooooo you aren’t going to intimidate anyone with snotty little awards. In fact it is a badge of honour that you are so angry at us. If there is anything we conservatives can do to p*** you off more? Please let us know.

  4. Liz J Says:

    Talk about a stacked deck of Leftist journalosers boldly flaunting their bias, they have no shame or credibility.

  5. marryt Says:

    Dear member of the Probit Research Panel,

    Probit is partnering with Abacus Data (abacusdata.ca) on a collaborative academic evaluation of several Provincial Elections.

    This survey is being conducted on behalf of researchers at the University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, Wilfrid Laurier University and Memorial University.

    That is part of the survey I just received, but after answering the first few questions, re-age, gender, education, postal code and area of Alberta I live in I got a message, sorry due to your previous answers you do not qualify to finish the survey. What does Abacus have against senior females with higher than high school education and who live in souther alberta.
    That just proves that pollsters who don’t get the answers they want ignore them. No wonder they were so off during the recent election, and are off re PMSH being neck in neck with mulcair.
    Wonder if I have a HRC case-lol

  6. Fay Says:

    Wow! How low will the National press Gallery lower the bar? Thank God for Bloggers , so Canadians can be informed of the bias press gallery.
    Thankyou BCblue.

  7. Nicola T. Says:

    Will we ever know of what Jack Layton died? Did Layton know he was dying when he campaigned in the federal election? Code of Silence.

  8. MaryLS Says:

    They should be seriously embarassed about haveing Mulcair as a featured speaker — but I guess they are not. Integrity in the journalism profession is long gone.

  9. Oxygentax Says:

    MaryLS: Journalism isn’t a profession. It’s a career. There’s a difference. A profession self-regulates, has a publicly available code of ethics, and disciplines those members who violate the Code. I’ve seen no evidence of any of this in journalism.

  10. Brian Says:

    I smiled when I saw this piece of drivel.

    It is a sure sign that the left and the media are still in denial about last spring’s election results , and they are only trying , unsuccessfully , to denigrate PM Harper . It really shows how petty the entire journalist cabal has become.

    PM Harper is not the one with the hidden agenda … it is the MSM (The Media Party) as Ezra Levant labels them

  11. Oh oh, another media driven anti-Harper meme proven false « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] love to push along their own anti-Conservative leanings like they did at their recent conference (see here) even when the facts don’t support their […]

  12. Mulcair gives speech at CDN media’s union convention « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] Also: See earlier post where the Canadian Journalists Association had Mulcair as there keynote speaker this spring here […]

  13. Postmedia’s O’Neil really doesn’t know anti-Israeli rabble.ca run by NPP MP’s partner? « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] as they invited her to be a speaker at the Canadian Journalists Association conference in April (see here) and that along with Star columnist Linda McQuaig, is a Honorary Endorser of the Gaza boat campaign […]

  14. NDP MP Davies partner’s website produced Harper/Hitler video for CUPE rep « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] who was a keynote speaker along with Mulcair at the Canadian Journalists Association conference (see here) so don’t ever think that the Media Party will start letting people know like in this example […]

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