Anti-Harper teen needs to do a little growing up

19 year old human rights art creator Jeremy Dyer got his 15 minute of Leftie-fame for refusing to shake PM Stephen Harper’s hand during a presentation at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg.

“I was pretty outraged that he was going to be there… I told them I would politely decline to shake his hand if he attempted.”

The act of not shaking someone’s hand is without a doubt the most immature way of voicing your displeasure that only shows the lack of character of the refuser and not the refusee. (see story here)

54 Responses to “Anti-Harper teen needs to do a little growing up”

  1. Patrick Ross Says:

    He’s outraged? Over what? Who cares?

  2. Issachar Says:

    That sounds like pretty juvenile behaviour.

  3. CanadianSense Says:

    It looks like he was asked to step back because of his anti-Harper views were respected by the organizers.

    A pity after the free trip, free gifts, his maturity was a risk to the ceremony and they would not allow him to have a diva moment.

    P.R. is correct who cares, the Liberal media does and need to push the negative regarding the CPC.

  4. Jeff Says:

    These preening human rights poseurs are all show against those who won’t retaliate. Take your show to Saudi Arabia or China brave boy.

    • Anna Says:

      Genius. Sending Canadians to developing countries temporarily is the brave (not to mention sustainable) way to express your dedication to changing the world. Well done.

      In an intimidating situation Jeremy decided to stick to his beliefs and politely remain consistent with them. To me, this is incredibly mature and respectful. It is our right to have these opinions, and I believe, our responsibility to stick to them.

      Besides, if everyone cared as much about our government’s decisions and positions as they do about debating whether or not one man should have shaken Harper’s hand, this debate wouldn’t even exist.

  5. JoeFrmEdm Says:

    Another Non story!!

  6. Bec Says:

    This little man was raised without CLASS, RESPECT and most of all DIGNIFIED MATURITY.

    He said absolutely nothing other than, ‘I am an immature adult that wants what I want,screw you’.

    I’ll make a point of missing his contribution when I finally get to see it.

  7. Bubba Brown Says:

    He “was outraged he was going to be there” HUH! Does the PM of our Canada have to get permission to attend a function in a museum dedicated to human rights?

    I am assuming here that the young man cannot see the irony of being outraged at someone attending a “Human Rights Museum”
    Because of their beliefs, or who they are. He isn’t the “wrong colour” ” wrong religion” just “wrong beliefs” I guess you just can’t dress up some people and take them out in the real world where everyone thinks just like them. Try growing up young man, if your parents are proud they are as silly as you are.

    • Rebecca Says:

      Do you know anything about Harper’s politics, at all? The performance of showing up at a Human Rights museum to express his solidarity and support IS outrageous – not to mention hypocritical, shallow, and yeah, ironic.

  8. real conservative Says:

    I thought the purpose of the story is being thwarted by not explaining what his objections are.

  9. Mary Hines Says:

    When Iggy was doing his University Tour – one student went up to him and said he was happy to meet another American….. The student was American, and he felt Iggy was as well….. Did we have much coverage on this liberal news…. guess not – but something negative again the PM – it will be 5 minute intervals for a couple of weeks….guess we won’t get any more non-bias coverage having Lisa LaFlamme in the chair, she is so liberal – it is pathetic….

  10. MariaS Says:

    See how the media blows up anything that they think will be an embarrassment to the PM. What a long article from the press on total rubbish. This is a non-news item that the press has become very proficient in putting out, the only benefit will be for the spoiled brat who might be able to sell his “art” which probably looks like a semi-circle of dog’s **** on cardboard, to some leftie buyer.

  11. JDot Says:

    LMAO, to be 19 again..

  12. bettie Says:

    Why is there a long article about this in a newspaper? I agree totally with those who say it is a non-story.

    I guess common courtesy doesn’t extend to those whose views you don’t share.

    Prime Minister Harper is such a gentleman, he would never return in kind.

    • BC Blue Says:

      Imagine the media if Harper grabbed him by the throat a la Chretien…

      • Brian Busby Says:

        It certainly reflects badly on today’s media that a 459-word story is described “a long article”. That said, it seems that pretty much agree that this is a non-story. After all, only Sheena Goodyear bothered to cover it and only the Toronto Sun bothered to print it. Hardly “pushed by the “Liberal [sic] media”, as one commentator suggests.

        End of non-story.

  13. scott ross Says:

    You people are juvenile for even talking about this. The guy didn’t want to shake the PMs hand, so he didn’t. I don’t think he could have done what he did more respectful.

    The 19 year old did what he believed was proper, you may not agree with it, but he did it. I don’t think he could be more grown up.

    • BC Blue Says:

      Oh please…he’s a petulant media seeker with no manners and has an immature chip on his shoulder needing knocked off.

      “That was the breaking point — when I was suppressed for my beliefs.”

    • Alberta Girl Says:

      Oh right Scott….this little, immature twerp decides to show disrespect because …..well, because of what?

      Here is my question Scott, I wonder if sweet Jeremy gets any “grant” money from the government for his “creations”. Because that would “outrage” me.

      And a big boo to whoever decided that this story rated even a molecule of ink!

    • issachar Says:

      No no, BC Blue, he’s right. (Well partly.) We ARE juvenile for even talking about this. We should be ignoring silly antics like this the way we ignore a kid who says they’re going to hold their breath until they get their way.

      But Scott Ross, you’re wrong to think that “doing what you think is right” is the most grown up one can be. Ridiculous. Black block idiots lighting cars on fire are doing what they think is right. Juvenile antics remain juvenile even if “you think they’re right”.

    • Patrick Ross Says:

      Scott, you clearly aren’t in touch with this story.

      He didn’t want to shake hands with the Prime Minister — so he didn’t. He’s complaining because he was asked to step back so he couldn’t make a public spectacle out of refusing to shake the Prime Minister’s hand.

      In other words, he has no real cause to complain, yet is doing so anyway.

      I’m sure he’s a talented artist. But he’s also clearly an assclown.

  14. Jasmine Says:

    I wouldn’t shake Harper’s hand either. I’d spit in his face.

    • Mark Says:

      Keep being classy Jasmine. What’s inspired this desire to expectorate in the PMs face? Is this a fetish thing?

    • BC Blue Says:

      You can always tell when one of my posts gets linked to a Loonie-left blog as the nutbars start appearing…

  15. DarrenL Says:

    Adolf Hitler refused to shake the hand of Black American Athlete Jesse Owens. I don’t think that anyone would consider Hitler’s reluctance to be respectful or thoughtful. At Camp David, along with President Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Yizthak Rabin shook hands and one can not argue that they did not have serious issues that stood between them. This act showed an immaturity, but I have to agree it really is a non-story.

  16. Joe Says:

    Of course it shows disrespect, why would you show that you respect a man that does everything in his power to undermine the work you do? But immaturity? Hardly. The more blatant immaturity here is that the lot of you are tearing into this person based on an incomplete story that you fill in with details to support your argument. Congratulations! Not to worry though, I’m sure you’ll call me out on being a leftie, government supported loon and rest easy with the knowledge that I don’t know what I’m talking about. What a laugh!

  17. Sarah Says:

    I am pretty it’s not Jeremy that needs to do the growing up but all of you who have nothing better to do than name call over the internet. Discriminating someone because they are 19 years of age is “juvenile behavior” in itself. It seems as though those of you who call yourself adults, have probably HALF the intelligence as this “19 year old” does. Try and go out into the world and stand up for something you believe in rather than sit behind a computer screen and criticize someones views that will have no effect on you whatsoever. You should all start worrying about what YOU think rather than what other people do.

      • Sarah Says:

        I didn’t find this on a blog. A friend showed it to me laughing because you people are the ones acting like 19 year olds. Ridiculous. Grow up. And I am not a “loonie left”. This is the first time I have ever argued about anything to do with Canadian Politicis over the internet. I am just defending someone who stands up for what they believe in which is what more of you old cranky people should do instead of follow each other around.

  18. Leanne Says:


    So proud 🙂

  19. Tim Says:

    i cant say I agree totally with Jeremy Dyer’s form of protest but if that’s the only forum he had more power to him. Can we agree freedom of speech is an essential part of democracy? If so, what does it say of those Canadians who wish to silence Dyer? Face it: the right wing in Canada is not only unified but polarized. Capitalism is best suited in a partnership with effective socialism, right? Haper ignores the will of the majority because he’s blinded by his ideals as anyone can tell by his “closed door” comments in Sault St. Marie 09/02/09 (available on youtube) in this video he seems not only dishonest but conniving contrary to his original campaign promise of transparency. Canada doesn’t need harder drug laws or bigger prisons, it needs an effective government who can legislate without bias, a government who doesn’t need to hire P.R firms to post pro Haper messages on blogs to create the perception of support. Hopefully sooner, rather than later, we’ll get the coalition we deserve to get Canada back on track because Stephan’s fringe is wearing us thin.
    Duh BC Blue’ll say “Another” I wear my heart is on my sleeve his is in someone else’s pocket. He has no point to make he’s the farce… I mean face of a party thats loosing ground.

  20. Tim Says:

    So that’s a “no” from you on intelligent dialogue, rebuttals, debate, eh? I guess incoherency is your strategy…. comparing Jeremy Dyer to Achmed Ahmadinejad… subtle! Because the President of Iran is disliked by the global community for not shaking hands… or is it because he stands against the very democracy rights Mr. Dyer was exercising…

    • BC Blue Says:

      I learned a long time ago not to waste energy on the likes of you

      • John Says:

        long time ago? then why are you still commenting?
        wow you can’t even tell time.
        oh and by the way I am not a loonie left either I am an artist, and my life does not revolve around internet bashing like all of you folks!

  21. Tim Says:

    by the looks of it all your energy is wasted

  22. Tim Says:

    dude you’re bad at P.R…. They should excommunicate you. The likes of you are what’s keeping the Conservatives from ever winning a majority.

    • BC Blue Says:

      Dude….you were going to vote Conservative before I spoiled it for you? Darn…

      • Tim Says:

        I believe in limited effective government, that conserves our ecosystem, including oceans, our civil liberties, and our tax dollars while also providing a safety net for societies most vulnerable. No one should be able to sell me paint chips as cornflakes. I believe military has a role in national defense. I believe in conserving and improving our healthcare system, responsibly, exploiting our natural resources while spending money to make money on sustainable development curbing our dependancies on fossil fuels to conserve North America for future generations, freedom of religion and separations of church and state. I don’t see how our “think peoples”so different…. I don’t know if your for freedom of religion and separations of church and state… or anything listed above. I don’t have a point. I just think there’s common ground and reasonable arguments against social injustices and complete deregulation. all men were created as equals as they should be treated as such.

  23. John Says:

    artist doesn’t always mean painter, dumb ass. I am an actor and writer. I am not going to waste my time trying to convince you that I am not a crazy left wing person. I don’t know much about either parties and I could care less. From what it seems, this young man is an artist and supporter of the arts himself and thats probably one of the reasons why he did not shake his hand.

    • BC Blue Says:

      Anything I’ve seen you in or maybe read of yours? Guess that makes me an artist also huh? Think I’ll add that to my bio…I kinda like the sound of calling myself an artiste…

  24. John Says:

    ahah loser.

  25. scott ross Says:

    Just be aware that what you write here tells a bit about who you are, and I think a majority of the commentators, including the blog writer are sensationalist and are themselves disrespectful.

    • Patrick Ross Says:

      I also recall that when BCF tape-recorded a Mississauga Palestinian telling Jews they needed another Holocaust, your objection was to BCF’s reaction, not to the individual’s comments.

      Spare us your indignation. We’re uninterested.

  26. Jack Says:

    Doesn’t anyone find it a little ridiculous that a politician who’s decidedly against gay marriage should give a speech on the subject of “human rights” ?

    The only reason I’d shake his hand there is to congratulate him for putting on a good show.

  27. notacrazyleftynewf Says:

    For those of you not from the Atlantic/Maritime provinces, Jeremy Dyer’s act may be a little more difficult to understand.

    Stephen Harper has made a point of letting Canadians know how exactly he feels about the arts. According to Harper “ordinary people” don’t care about arts fundng.

    You can imagine that, for an artist like Dyer who is involved in an area of the arts that touches people everywhere – human rights – shaking Stephen Harper’s hand is no honor at all. It is truly an insult.

    I personally take no left or right views when it comes to politics. I enjoy sitting back and watching the show that our government and opposition put off for us.

    But knowing the statements that Harper has made about the arts, and what Jeremy Dyer’s thoughts must have been when Harper made those statements – I personally believe that it was acceptable to step back and not shake Harper’s hand. Whether or not Dyer did want to make a scene and refuse the handshake outright in front of cameras is a different story. Wanting to refuse the handshake is the bottom line of this story.

    -Not a crazy lefty Newf.

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