CBC “policy” change: Publishes name & pic of sexual assault suspect


I’m really looking forward to Jennifer McGuire’s (General Manager and Editor in Chief of CBC News) response to my Ombudsman filed complaint about their “policy” when it comes to suspected war criminals:

“CBC News’ practice is not to name suspects, and therefore is not publishing the names or photos of the suspects at this time.”

As this “policy” is obviously not in effect when it comes to sexual assault suspects like this one from yesterday here in the Okanagan.


13 Responses to “CBC “policy” change: Publishes name & pic of sexual assault suspect”

  1. antfrm Says:

    and who else but bcb to raise this issue both with us, and the subsidy addicted CBC – Bravo !

  2. Kevin Says:

    Why is the Heritage Minister allowing the CBC to endanger the lives of Canadians, and then allowing them to be complete hypocrites?

  3. Alain Says:

    The only difference being that this was not a request by the federal government, which is (horrors!) Conservative. The CBC is clearly at war with the non Liberal, non NDP government, but the problem is that it is not on their own dime. Privatise the whole outfit now.

  4. Bubba Brown Says:

    Bravo indeed! Did the CBC discover the “suspect” was
    A. A fundementilist christain.
    B. A Conservative supporter.
    Just askin’

  5. fernstalbert Says:

    Rape, torture, mayhem and the mass murder of civilians (old, young and both genders) is a pass for those that the CBC considers “freedom fighting” foreign nationals. Different standards for natural-born Canadians. The MSM loves their international thugs and deviant actions – not really war criminals – just misunderstood. Cheers.

  6. bocanut Says:

    Typical “Do as I say not as I do” leftoid journalosers.

  7. wouldman2@yahoo.ca Says:

    The CBC has no problem convicting Rob Ford during the Alleged wife abuse. In fact the Fundamentalist Liberals and leftists assume he was guilty and still think he is because the Police wouldn’t arrest him is he wasn’t guilty.

    Funny how the CBC gave air time to Sheema khan and the Khadr’s to spew their Pro-Shariah Law garbage , and what about Khan and CAIR now being linked to Hamas funding in a 2007 FBI trial for the HLF bogus charity the CAIR gave canadian donations to in the USA. The CBC should call back Khan and ask her because she was at the Arar inquiry to rant aboy the racist and Islamophobes in canada , Arar’s wife is Palestinian and was at a pro-hamas rally with Alexa McDonough.
    Just Google McDonough+ WAO and look for the story , McDonough and Layton crusaded for maher Arar’s $400’000’000.00 lawfare suit for wht he said JORDAN did to him.
    We were screwed by Arar and the CBC that let Khan( aka Con-job Khan) get air-time with her Whahhabi shariah law and saudi backed taqqiyah that islam=peace. Khan never said a word when a candian was being tortured in a saudi jail, the NDP sold the soul and maybe Jack’s sickness and wasting face is a sign of the old NDP about to be pro-hamas/Taliban .

  8. Enkidu Says:

    “CBC News’ practice is not to name suspects, and therefore is not publishing the names or photos of the suspects at this time.”

    What they really mean is “CBC News’ practice is to not cooperate in any manner whatsoever with that scary sacrament stealing Stephen Harper.”

  9. Sean M Says:

    The CBC, like all extreme lefty activists and organizations have absolutely no problem holding completely contradictory views, opinions, and policies. It’s clearly part of the “Liberal”, “Progressive” disease… “the reason of unreason”. The State broadcaster is the enemy of the State.

  10. dmorris Says:

    ” White, clean-shaven.
    35 years old.
    5’7″ and 180 lbs.
    Brown eyes, brown hair, balding.
    Medium build.
    Clean shaven.”

    The suspect is WHITE.

    It doesn’t state his religion, but I just bet ….The Okanagan IS the Bible Belt of the Interior,you know!

  11. Powell Lucas Says:

    The list of suspected war criminals are all non-Canadians which means, in the eyes of The CBC, that they are above reproach.

  12. Stan Says:

    The CBC has injected itself into the political arena.
    They are actively opposing everything the duly elected Harper government does.
    If they wish to be part of the political proces then we should be voting for or against them.

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