Sickening as Globe’s Caplan superimposes Layton’s dead “thoughts”

There has been a huge rash of exploitation of Jack Layton’s death as the NP’s Kevin Libin shows here but nutbar Gerald Caplan wins the prize for the most disgusting as he uses a dead Layton to defend his previous week’s column:

“How disappointed Jack would have been had he seen the flood of ugly comments that last week’s column provoked, messages motivated by irrational fear and rage and driven by myth and invented reality”

Seriously, how utterly contemptible is it to do something like that and why would the Globe allow it? (see here)

6 Responses to “Sickening as Globe’s Caplan superimposes Layton’s dead “thoughts””

  1. Liz J Says:

    Freedom of speech allows for sickening drivel, coming from Caplan, that’s what you get. It’s no surprise either coming from him, or the Globe allowing it.

    There was one columnist, Christie Blatchford, who made sense, spoke to reality, something not in the DNA of Socialists.

  2. dmorris Says:

    “On every issue he was on the side of the little guy, the underdog, ”

    Was he,or did he merely give the IMPRESSION of being on the side of the little guy?

    Layton was a salesman, a very good one. He managed to convey the idea that he cared deeply about us,without ever having to actually do more than just say so.

    The current deification of the guy is absurd. He was a third place politician that got lucky for one election and finished second.

    This woman did SO much more for the “little guy” than any politician ever,but was reviled by the Left,and certainly not celebrated in life or death to the extent a professional huckster with a winning smile gets today.

  3. gary Says:

    At this rate of the hype for Sainte Jacque , he will be raised above Muhammed and cause major riots and protests in canada by the Islamic Supremacy thugs that worship this 7th century misogynistic/homophobic/pedophile .

    Watch for the statue in granite next to Stalin,Mao,Lenin,Che,Arafat,Kim Jong Ill, and others the leftists exhalt on high as freedom Icons .

  4. bocanut Says:

    A state funeral with the bells of Parliament chiming “Imagine”?
    Jack’s hero John Lennon had Yoko who passed on any kind of formal rememberance ceremony.
    Layton’s Olivia opted for all the pomp and circumstance.

  5. Liz J Says:

    I sincerely doubt Caplan would agree with Robert Fulford’s column in the National Post today, it deals with reality:
    “The NDP is alt. politics. It’s alternative to other parties, but it’s also alternative to reality.” Amen to that, evidence abounds.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Rest In Peace, Jack Layton.

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