Liberals drag out Chretien for fundraising letter on abortion

It’s one thing for Jean Chretien to make his media rounds denouncing Stephen Harper – unsavoury as that is for an ex-PM to continue to comment once out of office but for the Liberal to use him to scare-monger on gay-rights and abortion is disgusting.

“Jean Chrétien is warning Liberals that gun control and the Kyoto accord are dead because of Stephen Harper’s Tories, darkly noting that same-sex marriage and abortion rights could be next on the Conservative government’s chopping block. He even raises the return of the death penalty as a possibility.”

And of course Bob Rae absolutely loves this type of politics from his good friend:

“Watching the Republicans in Iowa on Saturday night (the bunch that provide Mr. Harper with his ‘inspiration’), I don’t think we’ve hit rock bottom yet. We’re hitting hard and raising a lot of money. Will be announcing totals soon.” (see here)

This is what the Liberals think is renewal.


15 Responses to “Liberals drag out Chretien for fundraising letter on abortion”

  1. Roy Says:

    oh like thats gonna work didnt work during the election. and like anyone who looks at him sees a lying scummy Rat who won’t pay back any money in the shiwinigate deal thats what I see and the sponsor ship scandal and he was a joke as a Pm. I really glad people finally woke up and elected a true primeminister who keeps his word which is quite refreshing. even though he’s made a few mistakes. he sure knows how to represent Canada Over seas and acts immediately not referbished money every month.

  2. Pissedoff Says:

    Among the woes:
    1 Dragging out an as been PM who was responsible for the biggest theft of taxpayers money and whos policies are out of date.

  3. Susann Says:

    Yes and the master of double speak also talked about the great Liberals having brought in Medicare in the 60’s, which the Conservatives just might “cancel” unless Libs donate money to the cause right now. Oh my oh my Mr. Corrupt Over-the-Hill Golf Ball Guy……

    Except today in the WFP, a former NDP cabinet minister Sid Green wrote the following.

    “In the mid-1960s, when the Pearson government was dragged kicking and screaming into making medicare a national plan, the provinces of Alberta and Ontario….” were in effect asserting the provincial domain of healthcare.

  4. antfrm Says:

    ah yes – so he and the great butt-kicker are still hard at work manufacturing anti-conservative propaganda – will no one save us from this drivel, that is dutifully reported by the the utterly lame press, and expose these frauds for the entitlist thieves that they are ?

    • Jen Says:

      The media ARE afraid of Chretien and the Liberals because he might put his hand around the reporters’ throats if they don’t OBEY his command. There is not one reporter in canada that will stand up to the liberals NOR to the NDPQ. Terry M. would rather crap his pants than confront Chretien again. that’s how afraid Terry is.

  5. Ed the Hun Says:

    I think most Canadians (except the diehard anti-anything conservative) long ago started tuning out the likes of Chretien and Martin and even Rae…their problem was crying wolf for so long…

    All Harper has to do is just as he promised…make election promises and keep them…the public will accept them based upon their platforms and promises. As long as Harper doesn’t try to bring in things that:

    a) he didn’t promise to; or
    b) things that are so out-of-touch with most of mainstream Canada

    I suspect that Canadians will continue to support Mr Harper as a man of integrity, given he makes promises and keeps them. Something the liberals have NO idea about how to do.

    I’m also impressed that the Conservatives don’t run to the nearest microphone to respond to every Tom, Bob, or Elizabeth accusation that they make in the media. Their handling of Attawapiskat has been brilliant…the Natives there (or at least the Band Leaders) are starting to look very poor…even the MSM is reporting that members of the community are welcoming the Third-party Administration now making decisions…

    Bloody brilliant and FINALLY some grownups in Ottawa…maybe now we’ll see a maturation of politics in Canada as the Conservatives win some elections consecutively. The opposition will in time (and the longer the better) learn and start to mature as well.

    • Jen Says:

      Ed, if only we had mature reporters but none seem keen in taking on any of the three opposition parties including the Green leader E. May. who said that she is embarassed of Canada.

  6. Jen Says:

    chretien parrty voted against same sex marriage three times. Paul Martin wanting more voted went against the general public who sent emails to lib mps until their computers crashed asking them ‘not to pass the same sex marriage but, he ignored us and secretely had his party and ndp and the bloc be warned not to disappear from the HOC because later that night he was going to pass the same sex marriage bill. The conservatives unfortunately were not warned.

    PM Stephen Harper just like Chretien, was against the same sex marriage however he offered an amendment for ‘same-sex unions but….. Paul Martin was too busy buying votes to even think of the admendment.

  7. Splendor Sine Occasu Says:

    What a goof.

    The Tories promised to end the LGR and the CWB. They said nothing about abortion or SSM.

    PM Harper is not stupid.

  8. wilson Says:

    Old Chretien got a pretty hard slap from Minister Kent, ‘Liberal govt incompetence, Kyoto in the past, legally withdraw’ etc.
    So he lashes out with what he thinks will hurt PMSH,
    but all it accomplishes it to make him look like a small petty man making things up, pure 6th grade bullying.

    Old Chretien is seeing all of his legacy policy being wiped out.
    Kyoto, long gun registry, even any success in Afghanistan will be PMSHs to claim.

    Adscam, negotiating the coalition of losers failed attempt to steal govt, signing Kyoto and doing nothing, killing the LPC with internal wars, and all the other scandals he got away with,
    that is Chretien’s legacy for the history books.

  9. Bec Says:

    Dragging out the relic PM is a Liberal pattern…….they are all relics, has-beens or coat-tail dwellers. Nothing new to see or hear….stuck adoring their dated, aging images!

  10. Mary T Says:

    How long before iggy makes some stupid stmt. One only has to watch QP a few times to see the sad and ignored Dion, sitting there and wishing he could have a do over re an election call.

  11. dmorris Says:

    “Old Chretien is seeing all of his legacy policy being wiped out.”

    Yep,including the $2 per vote taxpayer subsidy that Chretien foresaw as the substitute for the hard work of fund raising.

    Chretien,like many old politicians, just can’t stay out of the limelight,and like many old politicians,embarrasses himself every time he opens his big mouth.

  12. Alain Says:

    When it comes to scaremongering may I suggest that the old thug is a whole lot scarier than any “hidden” agenda of the present government. That the country might be run by either the NDP or Liberals would be enough to sober up the worst drunk.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Really..? Not happy with the damage he’s already done to this country? *edited Dean*


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