CBC reviews Rex Murphy oil conference speech but ignored when Peter Mansbridge did his

Peter Mansbridge

CBC editor-in-chief Jennifer McGuire has created an unintentional problem for the CBC after bending to the anti-oil sands lobbyists complaining about Rex Murphy’s oil conference speech (see here) – a can of worms immediately comes to mind.

First, McGuire has fully opened-up the media’s dirty little secret of journalists hiding their lucrative speaking gigs and potential conflicts of interests and secondly, how the CBC didn’t have an issue when their Chief Correspondent and The National anchor did the exact same thing.

This screen shot photo is from 2012 when Mansbridge accepted being the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers keynote speaker for their Toronto conference:

mansbridge capp 1

And this is from then US Ambassador David Wilkins who was in attendance (see here):

mansbridge capp

Looking forward to the CBC responding to my upcoming Ombudsman complaint.


8 Responses to “CBC reviews Rex Murphy oil conference speech but ignored when Peter Mansbridge did his”

  1. DAVID WEUM Says:


  2. Guffman Says:

    Always funny how that works. CBC and the rest of the Media Party (and rock stars!) are all for free speech if it means trashing the oilsands, but if anyone has anything positive to say about it, they should be silenced and insulted. What country is this again?
    I agree with David… CUT THEM OFF!

  3. a Says:

    This is really about how the CBC continually efforts to kill any chance of honest discourse that actually serves ALL the Canadian people and criminally colludes to shape the news in favor of one minority leftwing elitist political ideology… funded extremely handsomely to the tune of 1.1 BILLION taxpayer dollars by EVERY SINGLE Canadian taxpayer.

    After all, in this day and age, a CBC reporter is little more than a devious person who wants to be paid with confiscated taxpayer dollars to shape public policy without going to the bother of getting elected.

    Give the CBC the guillotine….LONG overdue.

  4. MaryLS Says:

    I find this CBC action offensive. Free lancers are private business people. What they receive in speaking fees should not be an issue for the CBC. If the CBC does not like the work that a person is doing, then don’t hire the person. Rex Murphy is entertaining and does solid work and that is why he is in demand as a speaker. This is another attempt to shut down any voices that do not conform to the wishes of global warming mafioso.

  5. What ethical standards should we expect of journalists? — ProPR Says:

    […] CBC reviews Rex Murphy oil conference speech but ignored when Peter Mansbridge did his, Dean Skoreyko […]

  6. Outside payments to journalists and independent, impartial Journalism at the CBC: A definitive guide — ProPR Says:

    […] CBC reviews Rex Murphy oil conference speech but ignored when Peter Mansbridge did his, Dean Skoreyko […]

  7. Independent, impartial journalism at the CBC and outside payments to journalists Says:

    […] CBC reviews Rex Murphy oil conference speech but ignored when Peter Mansbridge did his, Dean Skoreyko […]

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