Audio proof CTV ran false story about Conservative senator


It looks like CTV and their top political reporter Robert Fife may be facing a lawsuit over an audio recording of Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau.

APTN has the story along with the audio recordings of Brazeau’s speech that clearly show CTV was untruthful in attributing a comment about Chief Theresa Spence to Brazeau that came from the audience:

The CTV story also appears to have been edited to remove pauses in Brazeau’s speech and crowd noise. (see here)

Six days after CTV aired it yet still no apology and admission. Why?

Also: See earlier post on Brazeau asking CTV’s Robert Fife, Lisa LaFlamme and Kevin Newman to explain themselves here

Update: Blogger Alberta Ardvark reminds us of CTV’s and Robert Fife’s history of selective editing (see here)

9 Responses to “Audio proof CTV ran false story about Conservative senator”

  1. Ian Says:

    I hope he doesn’t let this die. He should write to the CBSC to complain.

  2. Paul Burling Says:

    Still doesn’t come close to the CBC’s Julie Van Duesan editing a speech by the PM, where she edited an answer from one question and added it to another question making the PM appear anti-Palestine. Of course she apologized months later in a five second spot at the end of the newscast.

  3. Fat Tony Says:

    They don’t call him Fife the knife, for nothing.

  4. Dirt Says:

    I hope he seeks legal counsil, and sues them for what they allegedly did.

  5. Brian Mouland Says:

    MSM created story yet again

  6. CTV and reporter Robert Fife continue being deceptive about Conservative senator quote « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] after Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau instead of coming clean about falsely attributing a quote (see here) to […]

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