CP’s Jennifer Ditchburn omits mentioning CTV’s Don Martin agreed to ban CRTC chairman from TV show

jennifer ditchburn

In a bombshell of a story broke by the Globe and Mail’s James Bradshaw who exposes his ultimate boss, Bell Media’s Kevin Krull for sending out an order to CTV News president Wendy Freeman demanding the chair of the CRTC be banned from appearing on-air:

After the call, sources say, Ms. Freeman contacted CTV staff to tell them of the directive from Mr. Crull and not to use clips of Mr. Blais, telling some she felt she would be fired if they did not comply. Other CTV employees were concerned for their jobs, according to a source.

Mr. Blais was booked for an interview on the CTV show Power Play at 5 p.m., hosted by Don Martin. But minutes before the show went to air, CTV cancelled Mr. Blais’s appearance. A CRTC spokesperson confirmed the cancellation, but said no reason was given. Instead, the program led with Mr. Martin discussing the decision with Mr. Bonnell. (see here)

That takes a lot of guts to out your boss and full marks to Bradshaw for doing so especially compared to how CP’s Jennifer Ditchburn didn’t mention Don Martin agreeing to ban Blais in her follow-up story and even going so far as to report Freeman refused to follow Krull’s order:

The Globe report said CTV Ottawa bureau chief Bob Fife, along with chief anchor Lisa LaFlamme and Freeman, ultimately refused to abide by Crull’s edict for the evening national newscast. (see here)

Ditchburn is obviously trying to protect Freeman and Newman from any further public scrutiny and has a history of conflicts of interests when it comes to other news organizations like the CBC which I filed an official complaint about (see here) and Brian Lilley picked up for his book CBC Exposed:

cbc exposed skoreyko lilley

Thinking it may be time to file another complaint.

CP’s Ditchburn looking to get sued by PMO and Senators


The Media Party is playing a dangerous game as the Canadian Press’ Jennifer Ditchburn joins the National Post’s Andrew Coyne (see here) in tempting someone to slap them with a slander suit:

PMO, Senators colluded to Whitewash Duffy report

A pretty definite statement to make which may come back to bite Ditchburn once the dust clears.

CP’s Jennifer Ditchburn compares Conservative’s handling of press to China and Russia


Canadian Press’ Jennifer Ditchburn was competing with the National Post’s Andrew Coyne (see earlier post here) to see who could look the least professional and win the ‘Harper-Hater of the Weekend Award’ with this tweet responding to John Baird’s communication director Rick Roth calling the Media Party a bunch of whiners:

ditchburnThe phrase “unsavoury nations” is used in the media to describe dictatorships like China and Russia (see here) and to use it in association with the Canadian government is beyond repulsive.

How anyone could keep their job as a supposed neutral, unbiased reporter after stating that just shows how the CP doesn’t care about appearing to be fair and balanced.

The veil is gone.

Also: See my complaint filed against Ditchburn on her conflict of interest working for the CBC and the response from CP here which Sun News’ Brian Lilley used in his book CBC Exposed as an example of the incestuous Media Party:

cbc exposed 004

CP’s Ditchburn goes to turn-coat Inky Mark for smear on Conservative’s data system

I can’t wait for Canadian Press’ Jennifer Ditchburn to now get comment from other ‘highly regarded’ ex-Conservatives that have no axes to grind such as:

– Belinda Stronach

– Helena Guergis

– Garth Turner

– Joe Clark

– Scott Brison

Tingling with anticipation…(see here)

CP’s Ditchburn does a “drive-by smear against Sun News as pay-back”

Sun News found out this morning just how despised they are by all the other Canadian journos for not going along with the insider game currently being played.

This group of Ottawa Press Gallery members whipped themselves into a lather about this story from CP Jennifer Ditchburn which turned out to be the fault of a lone Immigration bureaucrat and had nothing to do with Sun News as Brian Lilley explains in this video here.

More fireworks to come on this I’m certain.

Update: The Sun’s David Akin explains what happened and has all the documents and emails posted here. Besides the timing of the “damning” email the most interesting point to me was the Sun News producer who did that segment now works for the CBC.

Funny how Ditchburn didn’t mention it though huh?