Globe article on Harper stopping to wish young couple ‘happy wedding’ – comment section fills with vileness

A very cute story about PM Stephen Harper meeting a young couple getting their wedding pictures taken at a park which the couple’s photographer does a fantastic job of documenting on her website (see here) turns into a lunatic-fest in the Globe and Mail’s comment section:

– Harper duplicates a scene from ‘The Devil’s Double’ where Qusay Hussein visits a wedding Minus the rape and suicide

– How could you consider having the “fuehrer” himself gracing your wedding pics, a “photo bomb”?

– I wonder if he tried to claim his “right of the lord” to the bride… (see here)

These comments reflect more on the Globe than it does the hate-filled people who left them.

Liberal’s deputy leader Goodale: “[Harper] behaves like a Third World despot”

If you want an indication of how far away the Liberal Party are from being taken seriously again, check out their official website where MP Ralph Goodale has ‘gems’ like this in a posting :

“Under the Harper regime” and “now in power, he behaves like a Third World despot”

And while he’s at it, Goodale decides to throw in some libel:

“Conservative… robo-call schemes to manipulate voters” (see here)

Classy leadership from a deservedly decimated political party.