BC Conservative’s president creates massive mess then quits leaving others to clean up

The typical fashion of people with big mouths is that they rarely have the brass to stick around and back it up.

After being the point-man for his Messiah John Cummins in kicking people out of the party (see here and here) and making a complete joke of the BC Conservatives, Al Siebring, in another self-indulging letter has quit as president:

I’ve been operating on about 5 hours sleep per night since the September AGM. The Board concurred with my assessment that the increased workload that’s coming in my professional life will preclude me from devoting the time and energy necessary to do the Party Presidency full justice. (see here)

If you believe that this has anything to do with poor Siebring not getting his 8 hours of beauty sleep and not the lawsuit brought forward by the people he had removed from the party, I have a bridge for sale:

We took this decision understanding full well that lawsuits cost money, but we believe that the principle of upholding the expressed will of our members is paramount, and we trust you share that sentiment.   This trust is based at least in part on the fact that when the issue of discipline was being discussed, I received hundreds of emails from you – our members – urging the Board to stand firm in these matters, and to take action against those who were perceived to be damaging the interests of our Party. We did that, and now we need you to support this decision with your financial contributions.

Betcha there’s a few BC Conservative members wondering how much of his own money Siebring’s coughed up huh?

9 Responses to “BC Conservative’s president creates massive mess then quits leaving others to clean up”

  1. dmorris Says:

    The BC Conservative Party has descended from the heights a couple of years ago where they were considered capable of taking a dozen seats and acting as a “spoiler” in the legislature, to a pathetic joke.

    The BCCP had better prepare themselves for NO seats in the legislature, and a miniscule percentage of the popular vote. This is so sad, each time we BC’ers think there might be a reasonable alternative to the current choice, crooks or communists, they turn out to be farcical.

    Where are the Rhinos when we need them?

  2. Alan Forseth Says:

    Dean … I am sure you are well aware that Al cannot, and has not, created any mess … nor does he exclusively decide on the direction of the party. Decisions are made by the board of directors — which I know because I am a member of the board.

    The Board of Directors for the BC Conservative party has been guided in ALL of it’s decisions BY THE MEMBERSHIP — and it will continue to do so.

    That’s the way it ACTUALLY is … Period — Bottom Line — End of Story!

  3. Tom Birch Says:

    Wow are you ever out of touch on this one. I know Al and have worked with him for almost a year now. I know that He it totally supportive of the party and he is totally supported by the party. As for the lawsuit, I am glad we are fighting it as it is a ridiculous attempt to derail the party. It is amazing that they want back in when they have such obvious distain for the opinion of the member who voted at the AGM to NOT have a leadership review.

  4. wheels Says:

    John vanD. is missing out. Tax receipts for offered to pay for fighting a personal battle?
    As for “AS” (good thing his middle name is not Sylvester) going to work in as a broadcaster and being to busy to continue in the battle with/against demo-cratic (demon crazy hordes ) (his spell check is not allowed to spell democratic),for which station as I want to ensure that it is not anywhere on my dial and I wasn’t aware that the Enquirer or Mad broadcast in any other media ?

  5. Janet (politically-engaged Nanaimoite) Says:

    So … the membership of the BC Conservative Party is being asked to donate to the Party’s legal defense fund at a time, when the same members are expected to contribute to an election campaign that is less than six months away!!! Is this not a clear example of why it should be mandatory that Boards of Directors at the local constituency level be required to have insurance coverage for legal liability?

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