BC Conservatives pulling memberships of anti-Cummins members?

After an absolute gong show of a week where we saw BC Conservative leader John Cummins issue a moronic ‘high-noon’ ultimatum to party members who want him gone (see here) of which he had to then embarrassingly climb down

He later explained that he has no power to turf party members (see here)

but apparently the BC Conservatives have now started sending out expulsion letters bizarrely after Cummins’ empty threat fell flat.  So far I have been told that James Ram from Surrey has been tossed.

Stay tuned as I will update when I learn more.

Update: I’m also told that of the ‘dissidents’ to be kicked out is Ian Pyper who originally put up $10,000 for Cummins to be leader

Update: The CBC is reporting Cummins has had 15 people  censured or expelled who were speaking out against him

Stuff you just can’t make up: BC Cons create a “Unity Committee” same day they kick out these members

October 15, 2012 –Duncan- After several meetings over the weekend, the Board of the BC Conservative Party has settled the issue of internal Party discipline by voting to send out a total of 15 disciplinary letters, including terminations of membership and letters of censure.  The discipline is being meted out to these 15 individuals for their ongoing and public calls for a leadership review in violation of the clear processes outlined in Section 11.04 of the Party’s Bylaws.

The affected Party members will be receiving notification of the disciplinary proceedings by mail this week.

Out of respect for the privacy of those involved, we will not be releasing the names of the individuals in question, and neither the Party President, the Leader, nor any member of the Board will be making any further public comment on these internal matters.

The Board also passed two other motions.

One of them will create a new “Unity Committee”.

“We recognize that there are things which can be done to improve our internal processes,” said Party Leader John Cummins.  “The motion was clear when it said that we are looking for ways to engage our members, Constituency Association Presidents and Boards, and improve communications within our Party.”

Party President Al Siebring added:  “We’re a forward-looking Party, and we recognize we need to do more to engage our membership.  There’s always room for improvement.”

The Committee will be chaired by Director Daniel Brooks, and will also include Vice-President Christine Clarke and Director Dennis Belliveau, who is an experienced mediator in his professional life.

The Board also passed a motion to express “its full confidence and support for John Cummins as the Leader of the BC Conservative Party heading into the May 2013 election.”

Update: BC Con board member Joan Robinson has quit over Cummins’ saying the party “will soon be exposed to litigation”

19 Responses to “BC Conservatives pulling memberships of anti-Cummins members?”

  1. Alain Says:

    Thanks to this kind of mindless, selfish stupidity, BC will probably return the NDP to power. It almost makes you wonder if this little clique’s agenda in the first place was to destroy any future for a Conservative Party in BC. They have accomplished that and aided and abetted the NDP by doing so.

  2. Kelowna Lorne Says:

    The BC Conservative Party is a gong show. Don’t waste your time on them. The NDP will win the next election. There will be a Liberal leadership review and Christy will get tossed.

    I plan to hold my nose and vote for the Liberals in an attempt to keep the NDP to a smaller majority. I plan to join the Liberals AFTER the provincial election and fight for a small “c” Liberal leader, whoever that may happen to be.

  3. ohboy Says:

    It looks like its going to be a train wreck.
    One may as well sit back and watch it happen as it most likely will get worse before it gets better.
    And who knows there might be some entertainment value here.
    As for JC…he’s flailing. Not a good sign for a leader(?)

  4. Broadside Broad (@Prue61) Says:

    Cummins isn’t exactly the innocent party here. His leadership skills also require him to deal appropriately in difficult situations. His skill in this is sorely lacking. Taking into account what those oppose you are complaining about and trying to appropriately deal with is true leadership skills. Mr. Cummins is lacking in them and definitely needs to work on them before people will truly take him serious

    • BC Blue Says:

      Completely agree. The buck stops at Cummins. I tried numerous times to try and help out even after they stabbed me and nothing…

    • L Says:

      Unfortunately, i will resign my position in a local riding association, as I am disgusted by immature infighting and Cummins’ apparent inability to build a team. This party is clearly not ready for prime time. This is a disaster that should not have happened, as we can not have a majority NDP govt again, as they will sell out the province. I will never vote Liberal either.

  5. Liz J Says:

    You’d think the BC PC’s would have picked up on and learned something about imploding from the federal Liberals. They appear to be their own worst enemies. They’re only going to help the Liberals, no Conservative could vote for the NDP.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Will he be returning the donation? Seems fair since all these “dissidents” are just trying to corrupt the Party, according to Cummins’ logic.

    • BC Blue Says:

      In 1995 Cummins was alone among 52 Reform MPs to keep platinum pension plan: “I simply can’t ignore my retirement planning”

      The National Citizens Coalition called Cummins one of the Ottawa “pigs at the trough”

  7. Kelowna Master Says:

    Where do you get this crap. You’ve got to quit snacking before you go to bed; it’s giving you bad dreams!!

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