Trudeau calls for national carbon tax on oil sands


Yesterday, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau had this to say about taxing Canada’s oil industry in front of Alberta’s oil company reps in Calgary:

If we had stronger environmental policy in this country: stronger oversight, tougher penalties, and yes, some sort of means to price carbon pollution, then I believe the Keystone XL pipeline would have been approved already. (see here)

No if, ands or buts – Trudeau as PM would introduce a carbon tax to appease US eco-nuts as a trade-off for getting our oil to the American market.

Update: CP omits Trudeau calling for this carbon tax (see here). Did the anonymous reporter hide the fact or did an editor spike it?

Update: In response to my challenge, CP has now posted a more complete story on Trudeau’s carbon tax speech

24 Responses to “Trudeau calls for national carbon tax on oil sands”

  1. Dl Says:


    • E Mac Says:

      I agree whole heartedly with your cursory comment.
      The attempt to reinstitute the NEP by this pathetic sperm offspring, is farcical and it won’t gain any traction with the exception of the NDP.
      Your PISS ANT comment isn’t harsh enough as far as I am concerned, but I’m afraid they wouldn’t print my reflection.

  2. Martin Says:

    So this is a return to some of Dion’s ideas for energy policy?
    Will Dion be influential in a Liberal energy matters?
    It would be nice to know, maybe some enterprising PPG reporter might want to ask Jr this. Also party president Crawley is a former Ont wind developer and some of Jr’s advisors were close to Dalton McGuinty, which means close to rapacious wind companies. People in Ont would be interested in hearing his views on this.

    • wilson Says:

      Alberta already has a carbon tax,
      industry pays $15-a-tonne into the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund

      • Jen Says:

        Exactly Wilson, we Albertans do pay extra but
        What Trudeau had in mind is that as you wrote
        ” industry pays $15-a-tonne into the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund.”
        He wants MONEY to go to Quebec instead.

  3. Robert Says:

    We’ve included your post in our ‘Around the Blogs’ section at

  4. Bocanut Says:

    The scary part is that Red Allison is in Washington pushing the same agenda to her UN and USA friends

  5. Peter Says:

    In a TV press interview with Justin Trudeau, who was in Washington, Trudeau said “this is a working trip -this isn’t a protocol or ceremonial visit but very much a rolling up of my sleeves and talking about the challenges we are facing in Canada around the middle class and looking at the many solutions that are being developed here in the United States by very smart people”

    In response to the question Can you tell us exactly who you met with in the administration?
    Part of his answer was “I crossed paths briefly in the hotel lobby with Senator Kerry but we didn’t get to talk”

    IF so can Trudeau tell us how Kerry shared or communicated his answers or solutions to him? Was it sign language, an exchange of written notes, oextra sensory perception.
    Or should we ask if Kerry even recognized him or acknowledged him or if Kerry thought he was just another tourist?

    • Sean M Says:

      Yeah, nothing would help the “middle class” more than another TAX… So, the little squirt is “rolling up his sleeves” and blathering to no one in particular, what an actor!

  6. Nicola Timmerman Says:

    And the Ottawa Citizen is asking if Harper should take a ‘walk in the snow’ like Trudeau père. How about the media and Trudeau fils taking a long walk off a short pier.

  7. Searle Says:

    Trudeau remains a four letter word in my book and here’s just another reason! Like father like son he will screw over Alberta without a second thought; ask any of us who lived through the infamous National Energy Program of the early 80’s.

  8. energy01 Says:

    Justin’s main advisor is Gerald Butts, former Principal Secretary to Dalton McGuinty, who later moved on to head WWF Canada. Gerald is credited with writing Ontario Liberal energy policy, and we sadly know how that turned out.

  9. dddddancetotheradio Says:

    Trudeau is crazy.
    I’d like to see his daily planner.
    Let’s imagine what’s written down in it.

    Advocate for the legalization of marijuana because it strikes a chord among young people.
    Except that Canada is a signatory to the UN treaty proscribing it’s use.
    And that if elected PM I could never go against anything the UN says.

    Recycle unkept promise from 1993 Red Book about national daycare program.
    Even though we were in power for eleven years after that and never got around to it.
    Must do it even though the people we originally appealed to are now grand parents.

    Go to Calgary and poke oil execs in the eye by calling for a carbon tax that my most immediate predecessors lost elections running on.
    Also, evoke visceral hatred of my last name by intimating that I would surely reinstate the NEP.

    Take care of emails.
    Appear in foyer of House of Commons for questions.
    Note to self about my secret superpower: Talking in the third person.

    Dream of ways to expand the reach of the federal government by bribing the provinces with their own constituents money.

    Reassure Quebeckers that even though I was in Alberta on Wednesday, I had a really good Crying Game shower when I got home.
    I still believe that the Quebec crony socialist corruption model of tanking our finances so that we get more equalization payments from those bible thumping cowboys remains intact.
    Oh, and what about them guns?

    Pander to certain religious groups by calling the government insensitive for calling barbaric practices like female genital mutilation and honour killings female genital mutilation and honour killings that aren’t tolerated in Canada.
    Oh, wait, must appear to be all things to all people even if I will be no things to all people.
    Must appear at pride parade with lesbian premier who would be killed by the barbarians in the country they came from.
    Must also appear with sad sack former NDP premier turned interim Liberal leader that I squashed.
    And a pedophile, which paradoxically is approved by the barbarians I defend and pander to.

    • Bec Says:

      LOL!!!! You missed however…..
      Look in the mirror and kiss thyself, shake these luscious locks and tell thyself, “fake it prodigal son until you make it…I don’t need brains or substance… You know you goooot it!”

  10. Sean M Says:

    So Trudumb is going to impose the “Green Shaft”… to save the world, and junk… cause as we all know, nothing changes the weather more than a new tax. No surprise when you surround yourself with radical bong smoking eco-nazis as your advisers. What an actor!

  11. Jen Says:

    Glenn Beck showed a video of
    American eco Van Jones who said ” We (meaning he and the environmental wackos) created Obama and Pelose”
    which means, they give Obama and Pelose orders not the other way around. THe only thing that kept Obama going was his charm- charm to cloud the public’s mind of the real stituation of no jobs extra from topic. But when the entertainment is over and the curtains falls, those same Americans who waited to hear some sort of information regarding to jobs and so forth realize later that they have been had. They were well played.


  12. Jen Says:

    Remember Albertans: what Justin said about us: In quote

    Canada is in trouble because Albertans are running the country, said Justin Trudeau in a two-year-old interview unearthed by Sun News.

    The French language interview was conducted by Patrick Lagace on the Tele-Quebec program Les francs-tireurs (The Sharp Shooters) in Nov. 2010.

    “Canada isn’t doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn’t work,” Trudeau told Lagace, who then asked the Liberal leadership forerunner if he thought Canada was “better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans?”

    “I’m a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec… This country – Canada – it belongs to us.”

    • Lore White Says:

      Well said Jen. We survived daddy’s NEP and he he really knew how to bring Albertans down to there knees. He broke us financially but not our spirit and through struggling and taking on numerous jobs we survived and came back. I feel sorry for our children who are falling for his charisma and do not understand the threat he is to our economy

  13. Glowball Warming Redux Says:

    Baby Trudeau.

    His father’s arrogance, his mother’s brains.

  14. brad Says:

    like father, like son. this little boy needs to really go away. harper really needs to get a handle on this senate situation too. the country is doomed if he loses to junior.

    • Jen Says:

      I wonder why the opposition parties voted against PM Harper SENATE REFORM BILLS.
      BTW. In 1926 Robert Mackay wrote a book -The Unreformed Senate.
      And as we all know nothing was done since that time nor will be done as Trudeau said- He plans to keep the Status quo in the Senate.

      Trudeau sr and like Chretien condemned the conservatives policies but, when they came into power, they took what policies they condemned as their very own. Justin Trudeau policy is PM Harper policies.

      Why do you think the media refuses to acknowledge or give credit to the fed cpc and PM for the hard work they have done and continue to do for this country-keeping her afloat and jobs…….
      Why is it that the media refuse to tell us or even show us of the great things happening or the fabulous compliments we (Canada) have received internationally. I tell you why.
      The media is saving all of this for Justin Trudeau-to shower him with gifts of wonders as though HE not PM HARPER, who did all those things.

      I do not trust the media if my life depended on it.

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