NDP candidate exposed for tweets about women’s breasts, coat hanger abortion, comparing Harper to Hitler

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NDP candidate Eric Guerbilsky might have been able to survive this nasty tweet about coat hanger abortions:


Or this one comparing Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Adolph Hitler:

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The link Guebilsky included was to this Globe column by Tabathy Southey:

I wouldn’t normally write about the Prime Minister lambasting the New Democrats for failing to stop Hitler even though the party didn’t exist at the time. (see here)

You see, Guebilsky would have survived those tweets because even as crude and vile as they were, the vast majority of NDP voters and Media Party supporters agree with them.

Unfortunately though for Guebilsky he won’t survive this series of misogynistic tweets:

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Because making jokes about cosmetic breast surgery and generally slagging women goes against everything the NDP is supposed to stand for.

He’s toast now.

Update: Guebilsky has also now been exposed as a liar:


sexton guerbilsky

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