Liberal candidate wished Israel supporter had been aborted with coat hanger

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The Liberal Party and their leader Justin Trudeau have a candidate to fire after this tweet from Ala Buzreba was unearthed:


Yes, Buzreba as a Muslim, actually wished for an Israeli supporter to have been aborted with a back-alley technique. Lovely young woman Trudeau has running for him huh?

buzreba trudeau

How many more of these types of vicious candidates does Trudeau have?

Imagine if they ever obtain a position of power within government.

Update: Looks like Buzreba has a history of sending out nasty tweets over the internet:


Update: And the tweet-hits from Buzreba keep on coming:

buzreba 1

Update: Trudeau is standing by Buzreba

Both a Buzreba spokesperson and a Liberal Party spokesperson directed Global News to her tweets as her “official response” when asked for an interview. (see here)

Update: Buzreba has now resigned:

buzreba 2

What does that once again say about Trudeau’s judgement?

12 Responses to “Liberal candidate wished Israel supporter had been aborted with coat hanger”

  1. News You Can Use – Aug. 18, 2015 | Landmark Report Says:

    […] Liberal candidate from British Columbia has said some anti-Israel smears over Twitter. Ala Buzreba, a Muslim, tweeted that she wished for an Israeli supporter to have been aborted with a back-alley […]

  2. Liberal candidate wished Israel supporter had been aborted with coat hanger « THE BLACK KETTLE Says:

    […] Liberal candidate wished Israel supporter had been aborted with coat hanger […]

  3. Ex Liberal Says:

    You haven’t heard Omar Alghambra then. He’s a top policy advisor who works in Justin’s office.

    He was the former President of the Canadian Arab Federation and has close personal ties to the regime in Saudi Arabia.

  4. DBC Says:

    Libby Davies was well-known for her Israel hatred and disdain, and the media always softballed her on the topic. Seems to be a prerequisite of the left in Canada, to be anti-zionist Jew Haters.

  5. Wayne Alex King Says:

    Not surprising as Hairboy’s Foreign Policy advisor is Islamic radical, Omar Alghabra.

  6. pamela Says:

    How discussing…get her ass out!

  7. Dave B. Says:

    Dean. To me, this is such a minor story. We need more Duffy stuff.

  8. Sean M Says:

    Let the Media attack the Trudeau Party candidate every day and link Trudeau to these vile posts, asking Jr. the same questions everyday. Oh yeah, thats not going to happen because the Media will never hold Trudo accountable for anything, thats just for Conservatives… now back to the trial of the century Duffygate. UGH!

  9. Media Party comes to “coat hanger abortion” Liberal candidate’s defence | BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all... Says:

    […] was exposed by us citizen journalists and was forced to resign over her vicious Twitter activity (see earlier blog post here) and are now going on the […]

  10. ritaberaro Says:

    She has resigned and I am sure was “encouraged” to do so….she demonstrated poor judgement and was let go.

  11. Israel_shield Says:

    I remember Ala well and I’m happy Canada is strong enough to make this woman who is apparently a masquerading radical Muslim step down. My Twitter @israel_shield as well as my Facebook are constantly under attack with comments like those that came from Ala.

    Thank you for covering the story.
    FYI she never apologized for the tweet and it showed any remorse till she was caught.

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