Blogger: Christy Clark lied about relationship with BC Rail players


Not only was Liberal premier Christy Clark apparently not truthful about her close relationships with those involved in the BC Rail scandal, she was the one leaking cabinet information to them (see here).

After increasing CBC funding, Moore now calls for cuts

Let me get this straight so I can understand how Minister of Heritage James Moore’s mind works.

In June Moore announces a $60M increase to the CBC’s budget (see here) but now is calling for a 5% cut in service:

“The CBC has to do its part. The idea that the CBC can’t find five per cent efficiencies within the CBC to give back to the broader economic framework is silly” (see here)

I’ve messaged Moore asking just what is the figure when you take 5% from $1.2B. Thinking I won’t get a response though.

No contact between Lib premier Clark and Canucks over free tix doesn’t add up


A freedom of information request filed by Public Eye Online unbelievably came back showing no correspondence between Liberal premier Christy Clark and anyone from the Vancouver Canucks organization including owner and big Liberal donor Francesco Aquilini (see here).

You’ll recall BC Conflict of Interest Commissioner Paul Fraser completely exonerated Clark and sent a snarky reply to me after I filed a complaint with his office (see here).

So, how is it possible for Christy Clark to have received these very valuable tickets for her and her son and how does this look like anything but a whitewash by Fraser when there is no official record of these gifts?

NP’s Kheiriddin has no credibility on Islamic school prayer after attacking Sun News’ women


The National Post’s Tasha Kheiriddin once again uses her daughter as a column prop, this time to condemn the practice of making girls second-class citizens in Islamic prayer services at Valley Park Middle School in Toronto.

Too bad the irony was lost on the NP of having someone who can’t stand the sight of  bare arms on Sun News (see here) be their women’s rights crusader.