Sun’s Lilley calls out CTV’s Oliver for his “hit job on Harper”

This is one reason why Brian Lilley has become one of my favourite political journalists.

“So despite calling for free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law and human rights and encouraging those in power in Egypt to “lead change: get in front of it, be a part of it, and make a bright future happen for the people of Egypt” CTV and Craig Oliver would have you believe Harper wants Mubarak back.”

He’s not afraid of taking on some of the Ottawa Press Corp Old Guard who should have been put out to pasture by now instead of still bleating on Canadian TV. (see here)

Also: See my earlier post on this “toothpaste” story here

Update: Check out Blue Like You and Alberta Ardvark posts on this

12 Responses to “Sun’s Lilley calls out CTV’s Oliver for his “hit job on Harper””

  1. @aka_pooch Says:

    Lilly’s pad, great journalism.

  2. Michael Harkov Says:

    As also said on this subject on Brain Lilley’s blog, the Lilley’s Pad

    “This is why viewers are hungering for something different. This is why Sun News is on the way.”

    Exactly. It is the total and utter BS in today’s MSM and PPG that will ensure Sun News’ smashing success. And why many on the left want it to fail.

  3. Michael Harkov Says:

    Also said on the subject on Brain Lilley’s blog, the Lilley’s Pad

    “This is why viewers are hungering for something different. This is why Sun News is on the way.

    Exactly. The never-ending total and utter BS os the part of the MSM and the PPG is precisely why Sun News will be a smashing success.

  4. CTV home town refs toss opposition another softball | Blue Like You Says:

    […] Brian Lilley calls him out on this one: So despite calling for free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law and human rights and encouraging those in power in Egypt to “lead change: get in front of it, be a part of it, and make a bright future happen for the people of Egypt” CTV and Craig Oliver would have you believe Harper wants Mubarak back. […]

  5. Alberta Bob Says:

    Does any one know when SunTv is gong on the air?

  6. William in Ajax Says:

    All television political commentary shows, should be required by law to state on a banner at the top of the screen… Here’s an example…

    “Viewers are advised, the comments and opinons expressed here may not be based on “fact” or “reality.
    CTV does not endorse or promote said opinions spoken on this program”.

    Just like they already do with products and services sold through infomercials late at night.

    The banner should stay visible at the top of the screen for the entire length of the show.

    Would love to be a fly on the wall at Liberal CRTC headquarters, when this requirement is proposed.
    Heads would explode I’m sure.!

  7. William in Ajax Says:

    I would add…
    Politically based opinion programs ..ARE.. selling a product.
    Olivers rantings prove it.
    CTV should be forced to either declare their support of said opinions or deny any endorsement of said opinions.!

  8. Bubba Brown Says:

    Great call Mr Lilly! Really too bad old biased crocks like Oliver get to pretend their cut and paste antics, are representing actual “news” or “events” shame on CTV
    Cheers Bubba

  9. Peter B Says:

    To Craig Oliver
    Are editing of remarks becoming a problem on CTV?

    In your comments on the Egypt story in which you referred to “eloquent remarks” by Obama, but in referencing Harper’s remarks, all you and CTV news could come up with was an analogy that he made with a tooth paste tube ( which maybe a few Canadians found difficult to assimilate when taken in isolation).

    So for your benefit and so you are fully informed, which I wish you would have done for the sake of your viewers, here is a transcript of the remarks in their entirety made by Stephen Harper – uncut and unedited (the way news should be presented). I think you will agree CTV viewers were shortchanged on this story and deserve better.

    RT. HON. STEPHEN HARPER: Well, first of all, you know, let me just be clear, as I’ve been clear every time I’ve answered this question, that the future of Egypt is for Egyptians to decide. What I think we all want to see and what I think is clear most of the people of Egypt want to see is a transition to a democratic Egypt. We want to see free and fair elections. We want to see the rule of law and stability. We want to see respect for human rights, including the rights of minorities, including the rights of religious minorities, and we want to see a government that will continue to respect peace treaties and seek peace in the Middle East. As I say, we are all seeing what’s happening. A transition is taking place in Egypt. That transition, in my judgment, there is no going back. I think the old expression, “They’re not going to put the toothpaste back in the tube on this one.” Our, you know, our strong recommendations to those in power would be to lead change: get in front of it, be a part of it, and make a bright future happen for the people of Egypt.

    When CTV viewers are presented with Harper’s total remarks, I think it is safe to say, that they will conclude Stephen Harper need not take a back seat to anyone, on addressing the Egyptian crisis, including Obama, if and when they are presented the uncut and unedited version.
    Given that only a few days ago Robert Fife presented CTV viewers an edited or doctored version of Ignatieff’s remarks, where CTV neglected to show Ignatieff’s gaffe and play the full clip ( although gaffes were the story of the day on CTV when it came to Peter McKay and Schwarzenegger), of when Ignatieff referred to Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame) as United States Secretary of Defense. I have some concern that this may be becoming a habit with CTV in how they present their news stories to viewers. Because of the obvious political implications, managing the presentation of the story in this way, does not make it a news item but rather commentary, with a political bias, which we can expect from political pundits, but not from news reporters, for a national TV network.

  10. John Says:

    Excellent post PeterB.

    Poor pathetic Craig Oliver. I don’t blame him for feeling so peed off and feeling like he’s been ripped off by Harper being the good PM that more and more Canadians are discovering.

    Ever-indignant Craigo has let the hands of time chime on too long and he missed his portion of the LiberalsLostDecades patronage.
    It used to be Duffy’s fault but now it’s PM Harper’s fault.
    You can almost read his lips on it. Poor pathetic Craig.

  11. real conservative Says:

    A good point, what is the average age of a prime time newscaster in Canada or the press corps in Ottawa? Got to be like 70 years old now.

  12. lance vallee Says:

    was reading your story about the tamil passenger ordered deported.
    well lets deport these people right away and if they choose to fight it,then do it from where their from and their own expense.Im sick of the government using my tax dollars for crimmals that break our laws and enter this country.Its a shame that that guy was deported in 1986 and is still fighting his case.Come on canada,wake up and tell the government NO no no,.All of these people shouldnt have any rights,they should all be sent packing as soon as their caught.No burden on the taxpayer,except a ticket home.We cant afford this anymore.

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