National Post’s Andrew Coyne – Media Party’s biggest hypocrite?


You have to give the National Post’s Andrew Coyne credit for having the chutzpah to demand political parties stop doing the exact same thing that his industry is allowed:

The exemptions include telemarketing calls made by, or on behalf of:

  • Canadian registered charities;
  • Political parties, riding associations and candidates; and
  • Newspapers of general circulation for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions. (see here)

As well, Coyne could also lead by example, climb down from his high-horse and post his CBC-expensed charges online (including receipts) for all to see.

National--At-Issue coyne

Also: Adding to the hypocrite list, when will CP’s Jennifer Ditchburn be posting her own CBC-expenses online as well? (see here)

dichburn coyne

Update: Ezra Levant calls out Coyne for vehemently opposing Sun News’ application with the CRTC for a carriage license while being silent on the CBC’s (watch here)

10 Responses to “National Post’s Andrew Coyne – Media Party’s biggest hypocrite?”

  1. don morris Says:

    Biggest hypocrite? I don’t know, he has so much competition in his profession.

    Who’s the guy on the left in that photo? The others represent the liberal/Liberal POV, so is Mr.? a token conservative?

  2. Liz J Says:

    We live in a democracy but sometimes you have to question that fact. It seems to me telephone solicitations of all sorts, while annoying, were not much talked about until the Conservatives got elected then all hell broke loose. Do I have this right or am I missing something?

    • wilson Says:

      We certainly didn’t hear from the media or EC about robocalls until CPC won government.

  3. Guffman Says:

    Good point… let Mr. Coyne lead the way to transparency by posting ALL of his government paid fees and expenses.
    Though I think his self-righteous horse has grown far too tall for him to climb down from in the past couple of years (like many working at/for/with the CBC).

  4. wilson Says:

    Now the CRTC has nailed the New Democratic Party of Canada with a robocall fine, and earlier Elections Canada demanded repayment of $340k in illegal donations from the NDP.
    We are still waiting for media outrage and accusations

    • LynnS Says:

      No kidding! Just pay the money back, no questions asked. Where is the RCMP investigation or the Charbonneau Commission for that matter?

      • wilson Says:

        That’s all Elections Canada demanded, the $340k.
        No raiding the NDPs headquarters with CBC cameras rolling.

        If you watched QP today, PMSH nailed Mulcair on his public denial and then came clean 17years later about the bribe…. 11 times!!

  5. Anne in swON Says:

    Don, the guy on the left in the picture is Bruce Anderson and is not a token conservative.

    • don morris Says:

      Thanks,Anne,so the panel consisted of four Liberals!

      Nothing like getting diverse viewpoints! ;-(

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