Globe’s Simpson wants to believe Conservative movement is stalled

Somehow Jeffrey Simpson from the Globe and Mail thinks that with just 5 years in minority government, the Conservative Party cannot grow past where it now is.

Firstly, Simpson must not have seen the latest Ipso Reid poll showing the Cons at 43% but besides that, his thesis is flawed. The Conservatives have done an amazing job of becoming the most dominant political party in Canada and unravelling decades of Liberal/socialistic cultural tendencies in such a short time.

Simpson also conveniently forgets the “juggernaut” that Paul Martin was to become as PM of Canada who was estimated to win 200+ seats by all those brainiac Ottawa Press Gallery pundits like himself.

He and the rest were wrong then and they are wrong now and no matter how much they hate and try to deny it, Canada under Stephen Harper is becoming a more conservative nation.

We aren’t frustrated Jeffrey, you are. (see here)

Keep this in mind every time you watch CTV’s Roger Smith

One good thing about modern day social media like blogging and Twitter is that reporters let their hair down and give you insight into their true biased feelings.

Take a look at CTV’s Roger Smith’s blog about the coalition between the NDP and Liberals which he says the Conservatives are scare-mongering and sneers at his Press Gallery colleagues for daring to ask Iggy about it. (see here)

Update: I was notified that the link wasn’t working and when I just tried, it went to Smith’s blog for a second before redirecting me to CTV’s front page. Anyone else have this happen as well? I can’t seem to find it anywhere now.

Update: There’s a copy of Smith’s blog now posted in the comment section

Will latest poll bring outbreak of “flu” to Liberal and NDP MPs?

I can imagine the look on the faces of those in the Liberal and NDP parties when they see this latest poll by Ipso Reid:

Conservatives 43%

Liberals 24%

NDP 16%

The Cons are not only smoking the Liberals in Ontario 46% to 30%, they even lead them in Quebec 25% to 18%.

Makes you wonder how many MPs will show up for the vote tomorrow besides Bob Rae and Thomas Mulcair of course? (see here)

Can Guergis get any more pathetic?


I mean, come Helena…time to shut up and move on.

Headlines this month from her:

Former Tory MPs speak out against “in-and’out” campaign financing

Tories held secret meeting

Guergis turns back election rebate

But the most pathetic was today’s:

Women’s group wants Guergis back as Tory

Openingly bashing Harper and the Conservative Party while at the same time begging to be allowed back in is beyond ridiculous. Never has someone who pretends wanting to be part of a political family done so much to bury themselves with those same people.