Ignatieff and the George Soros connection

I was sent a link to an article written by a member of the LaRouche Youth Movement founded by Lyndon LaRouche which in part reads that:

“Ignatieff is also closely connected to financier George Soros through Project Syndicate, a media network which is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute”

A quick Google search and you can find an article written by Ignatieff on Project Syndicate’s site here and ones by Soros here.

Soros’ name has been in the news in connection with an on-line petition (see here) by Avaaz trying to muster support to have SunTV banned in Canada.

Sure be nice if someone in the Ottawa Press Gallery would ask Iffy about the connections he had or still has with Soros and what he thinks of Americans influencing Canadian politics with their media censorship agenda.

Also: Check out Ezra Levant’s column on Soros where he details Soros helping the Nazis confiscate Jews’ property and how Soros became a billionaire by ruining ordinary peoples’ retirement funds here

23 Responses to “Ignatieff and the George Soros connection”

  1. Bec Says:

    The man is a heartless mess, an individual that from where I sit, has no conscience but in particular, balance in how he supports a cause and why.

    Appearance would suggest that money is his tool and power is his goal.

    Ezra’s article is more than telling and profoundly disturbing however it does do one thing that is positive. It reminds us that selfish people with selfish intentions, walk among us and to never assume that high profile means high morals.

    This is a man that should be vilified and real fast.

  2. Ron Says:

    You have to be kidding – no one in the Canadian media would write anything that might impact negatively on their favorite party — corruption, theft, lies all get burried when Liberals are involved. No, you won’t see any Canadian media getting their butts off a bar stool to research – if it ain’t in a Liberal press release, it doesn’t hit the papers.

  3. paulsstuff Says:

    I’m guessing Kady will look the other way and not even give this a passing mention.

    • Jen Says:

      She likes her tweeting, so tweet this buzzing news of soros and Ignatieff to her then time her just to see how fast she retweets your buzz to her fellow friends evans etc. If nothing happens in the space of 10minutes or less or any breaking news, then you know where she stands.

  4. Sean M Says:

    I agree with Ron, the Liberal agenda driven media are not interested in informing the Canadian public about the many and myriad Liberal transgressions, or their nefarious agenda. If a sleaze-ball like Soros is seen to be enabling the Librano cause, than the media will conveniently overlook any and all signs that Soros is not to be trusted, Soros and the MSM spew the same narrative, and share the same agenda… the end justifies the means. Putting the Igg and his foreign allies under any kind of scrutiny is not how the MSM see their job.

    • Jen Says:

      Putting the Igg and his foreign allies under any kind of scrutiny is not how the MSM see their job.

      Putting the PM glasses and his attire under scrutiny seems to be the media’s major news.

  5. Darrell Says:

    Soros and Obama have some shifty history…

  6. Rob C Says:

    Desmarias of Power Corp is no less a POS with his control of a bunch of Canadian politicians.

  7. Jen Says:

    Why do you think that Soros doesn’t like FOX MEDIA particularly Glenn Beck is because Glenn has the guts to talk about him; his business and intentions and thre Billions of dollars which he soros, plans to take with when he leaves USA before USA goes bankrupt.
    Soros, realizing that Glenn must be dealt with has put out in the internet a boycott to Glenn Beck’s show.

    Soros is a man that no media wants to tackle. Thanks to Glenn.
    If you want to know more of Soros and his and what he is to the OBAMA administration, just check Glenn Beck on Soros.

  8. Hunter Says:

    Very interesting post. Keep digging and informing us. Sooner or later the MSM will have to respond to bloggers.

  9. L Says:

    Oh yes, he is very connected, which is why he was likely recruited.


    Even his Liberal delegates were afraid:


  10. Mary T Says:

    After reading that last link, I wonder where those young liberals are now and what they think of the way their choice was handled by the voters of Canada, and their least liked guy is now the leader of their party. Will they support Iggy in the coming election, and flip flop on all their ideals.
    I thought the young liberals were in love with Iggy, if one believes the media reports and pics re the tour de farce. Or were all those young kids in red sweaters just trophys.
    Just like a lot of Obama’s friends and their org. were hidden or ignored by the media in the USA, why is it bloggers bringing up all the stuff re Iggy.
    Poor Kady, she must be very busy and has no time for these truths, like she was too busy to read the climategate e-mails.
    CTV reporting another boat is on the way, hey, we knew that weeks ago.

  11. old white guy Says:

    if soros is funding any part of the liberal party canadians better run like hell in the other direction. the man is evil or just plain stupid.

  12. bert Says:

    PLEASE,don,t show his picture again..Your scaring the children.

  13. dmorris Says:

    I’ve been aware of George Soros and his One World Government movement for about five years now,and every time I read something new about him,the more creepy I feel.

    The man was a “judenrat” in Hungary during WW2! That says it all about him, no morals at all, a psychopathic narcissist who was willing to send people to the concentration camps to further his own position.

    And to think this man is the main backer of President Barack Obama.

  14. Jen Says:



    You notice the difference.
    This tells us that the msm ‘DO NOT; WILL NOT EVER WORK’ for the canadian public as they are ordered not too- but work only for and always for ‘THE LPOC’

  15. balbulican Says:

    You DO know who Lyndon Larouche is, don’t you?

  16. real conservative Says:

    Soros represents the European socialists in the America’s, and I have said openly before even in this blog that the European’s are trying to assert control over Canada. I’m not talking about the crown either.

  17. canuckmoose Says:

    Actually, LaRouche is a commie nutjob and his supporters are responsible for infiltrating the tea party rallies with their Obama/Hitler signs. (http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/seton-motley/2009/08/12/nbc-cnn-msnbc-all-assign-communist-larouches-obama-hitler-poster-conse)

    I’d question them as a source. And Iggy’s only written one article for Project Syndicate; he’s listed as a contributor (one of many). That alone doesn’t seem like a “close connection” to me. But it’s a fair question to want to know if Iggy is connected to Soros and his opinion on Soros’ interference in Canadian matters.

    • BC Blue Says:

      The links I posted quite clearly outline what kind of organization LaRouche is running and Iffy has been at least one conference event seated with Soros at the head table.

  18. Parsha and Weekly Update – April 3-9, 2011 « Jewish Defence League Canada Says:

    […] Ignatieff and the George Soros connection … […]

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