NDP “Vegas” MP has forged signatures on nomination papers

And so it begins…

Two people whose signatures appear on newbie NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau’s nomination papers say they never signed her form. (see here)

As well, meet the new face of the NDP in Quebec, Alexandrine Latendresse:

How many Facebook profiles and pictures do you think the NDP are quickly combing through and deleting right this minute?

31 Responses to “NDP “Vegas” MP has forged signatures on nomination papers”

  1. can Says:

    Okay, that sounds serious. I hadn’t thought about this, but collecting 100 signatures from eligible voters in a riding you may never have been to and don’t speak the language of, before the NDP wave hit, must have been a formidable task. I wonder how many might be in this situation? These people never expected to have to visit the riding and certainly never expected to be elected.

    • BC Blue Says:

      I had given this some thought earlier as I have had to fill out nomination forms before and it can be an arduous task even for someone with a lot of local contacts and association within the Party.

  2. Mary T Says:

    And of course the conservatives are to blame for questioning her signatures. Are those saying they didn’t sign conservatives, did they vote ndp.
    I would not be surprised if some of the 5700 signatures needed were false. If you have ever signed anything, and someone photocopies it, it is easily forged.
    What if they are forged, wrong addresses etc.

  3. Bill Says:

    Criminal Charges??

  4. robins111 Says:

    A left wing crook, shocker…

  5. Susann Says:

    Mark Mayrand @ EC will maniacally find a way to blame Harper.

    EC should comb through every batch of 100 references each candidate requires before becoming an NDP candidate in PQ.

    This has to be done to ensure that the NDP is not just dredging for random votes thereby gaining an unearned $2.04 for every fortuitous vote. This now could be a significant amount of taxpayer dollars. Weak candidates no problem. Subterfuge and fraud in putting forth disingenuous candidates just for mining the federal subsidy freeby. No way.

  6. Dirt Says:

    The fact that unknows could win by tens of thousands tells me there might of been some election fraud in Quebec, I hope the experienced canadates are going to dig and dig to ensure the election wasn’t stolen by the radical left in Quebec.

  7. Mary Hines Says:

    I don’t know how to get this message out – but my TV provider – Bell TV has pulled the plug on us having the right to see Sun TV…. They will not negotiate with Sun TV because they want us to only be able to watch their own station CTV. They will not settle – please see SunnewsTV website. I would like as many people as possible to call demanding this station be provided or we will switch to another provider, but I have no way to get this message out. Wonder if someone would help my cause.. I have been calling, and getting a lot of my friends to as well… but the more that does, the more chance we will be able to get this station back on air…. Thanks

    • BC Blue Says:

      I was thinking about doing a post on it soon

    • fernstalbert Says:

      I have already phoned Bell – the customer service person had no answers. I love SunTV – missing Theo and his wit and insight. Told them I will switch – will give them 2 weeks and then goodbye – the old media stranglehold is coming to an end. Cheers.

  8. robins111 Says:

    BC Blue says: Do you think she was the one who prepared her nomination papers?

    Nope, she was a shill for the $ 2.00 and Jacko and the gangs got some splaining to do…

    Of couse it’ll be Harpers fault…

    I see a career as Jacks personal back rub helper in this girls future.

  9. Mary T Says:

    Just wait till EC posts all the expenes etc for these candidates on its site. I know I will be going over them very carefully to watch for in and outs, and advertizing costs.
    Also, seems Linda Duncan had a national advertizing, and fund raising blitz to hold her seat. Isn’t that what EC is complaining the conservatives did. Adler just mentioned this signature thing re vegas gal. She will have a difficult time getting rid of that tag line. And did you see her father on tv last night-one of the last hippies IMHO.

  10. Patrick Ross Says:

    Now that sounds like electoral fraud.

    Actual electoral fraud, not the kind of partisan cry-babying we so typically hear out of the left.

  11. Mary T Says:

    I hope you can save that fb page before Jack has it deleted. He will say she was never there, like he was never at an unlicenced massage parlour. There might be a bunch of resignations in Que from the ndp side. And with six months to call another election. I bet Jack is doing a lot of damage control.

  12. Mary T Says:

    I bet the Bloc people are going over this very carefully.

  13. Ontario Girl Says:

    Wonder why CBC wasn’ t digging around and showing the faces on TV of these kids before the election was over? They had one of the kids on for an interview this morning. Now on this story , CBC Rosemary Barton said it is going to elections Canada, but the fact that she won by over $5000 + votes they might just forget it, or maybe there will be a By election???? Plain as mud. Apparently one candidate said they thought they were signing a petition…another said they didn’t sign anything. What a joke.

  14. brad maynard Says:

    that ruth ellen story is bad enough but the second photo…..WHAT THE HELL IS SHE:12!!!!!!

  15. old white guy Says:

    unfortunately this will not get past the average canadians seven day attention span for something important. see, i forgot already.

  16. Mary T Says:

    Is there any age limit before one can run for government. At least in the USA you have to be a certain age before running for POTUS. If not, we must get a minimum age asap. You have to be 18 to vote, I want to see birth certificates of all these new mps.
    Remember those gym gals in China.

  17. Nicola Timmerman Says:

    With my candidate we got over 150 signatures rather than 100 because we wanted to be sure Elections Canada didn’t screw us. As it was they rejected a bunch for dubious reasons. It took us a while to get those signatures and we had a fair number of volunteers.

  18. Archie Says:

    Mary T its the Liberals that are doing the questioning and I’ll bet you the Bloc will be screaming their heads off soon. The big question is, if one did it, how many others did it and was it standard operating procedure for the NDP to use a petition as a rouse to get people to sign their nomination papers in Quebec.

    • L Says:

      I love you blogging tories – news that is not easily available quickly. I know that Quebec voters do move en masse at times, usually for policy/fatigue (“throw the bums out”) reasons. But this time, there is something very wierd going on.

      Did the BLOC and NDP make a coalition unite the left deal, with or without the Liberals? Duceppe is a brilliant politician – why would he go and shoot himself in the foot by going rogue for separatism in the middle of a federal election? Normally, he has been less obvious. Something smells … Who will investigate this?

  19. Norm 204 Says:

    This can do nothing but embarass the people of Quebec and they will not be happy. I don’t blame them either.

  20. L Says:

    Also, did the Liberal deliberately plan to lose, once they knew their campaign was going badly? Why bring out failed Liberal leaders to bolster Iggy? We do know that this election was all about getting rid of their unelectable leader, but I think there is a lot more going on in the back rooms …. Surely Donollo is not that dumb … Something smells …. Who will research this?

  21. Mary T Says:

    There must be some committee re the abuse of power or something that will demand an investigation into the legality of all quebec ndp MPs. Demand to see the nomination papers, investigate if they live in said riding. After all, the ndp was explicit as were the liberals for evidence to be produced or be found in contempt.
    We know for a fact that the Bloc and NDP had an agreement before the 2008 election, and probably conspired this election. They were all so sure there would be a minority elected and they could have their coup. Layton killed that when he said, PM Layton, I like the sound of that. Maybe he did but it scared the hell out of Canadians. The Bloc knew it could not get what it wanted so allowed the ndp to take the role of Que votes for a federalist party. Joke is on all of them.
    And now Mulcair spouting off that OBL is not dead.
    SDA has the video.

  22. L Says:

    Mary T I think you and share are thinking the same way – this was cooked a long time ago. Some conservative journalist needs to research the story!

  23. Ed Says:

    The $2.00 a vote subsidy is a big reason for this mess.
    Now Harper has an even better reason to get rid of it.

  24. Mary T Says:

    Who paid the 1,000. filing fee for those candidates. In and out, where did those students get that money, if they have no job. Did the ndp put up 57,000. to get that 2.00/vote. Big gamble. Or have they fudged their expenses to all those candidates that never even put up one sign will get refunds for supposed money spent. Jack will maybe wish he was the terd party by the time this is over.
    Can’t wait for those committees to get reappointed. Liberals only get one member on them.
    I predict that before the 4 yrs are up, there will be a revolt, aka Lucian and Brian. What will the new party be, the Blocdemocrats. Only 7 have to cross to sit with the Bloc to give them official status, while lizzie sits in a corner, being ignored by all-except the media and bragging she will be in the next debate.

    • David Says:

      In another five years the serious contenders, the people who are career politicians, are going to want their seats back. In Quebec you can change political parties like a tie. If the Bloq disappears expect the NDP to engulf its members.

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