Conservatives finally stop funding advocacy groups dressed up as eco-charities

The hard work of Vivian Krause has achieved a very substantial victory for all of us who are repulsed at the thought of US money redirected to Tides Canada to fund off-shoot protest groups. (see here)

Notice that CTV infers that it was the energy firm Enbridge Inc lobbying efforts against the deal that scuttled it but Minister Rona Ambrose gives Krause her much deserved credit:

“your good investigative journalism pays off….amazing what one woman can do!”

Darn right…and we should all show how much we appreciate it and thank her for what she has accomplished so far.

Update: Blazing Cat Fur has a letter from the PM’s Assistant Salpie Stepanian basically telling an eco-fanatic to ‘go-pound-sand’ here

15 Responses to “Conservatives finally stop funding advocacy groups dressed up as eco-charities”

  1. Jen Says:

    She has accomplished what none none none of the non-entities including REX MURPHY at CBC not any at CTV can every do.

  2. Blame Crash Says:

    Of course the journalistic cheats are going to lie to our faces and insinuate that it was done for nefarious reason by a big bad Alberta corporations and of course they are going to deflect attention away from someone who is doing their job better than they are.
    It’s who they are and what they do.

  3. guffman Says:

    Outstanding work!… if only we had a few hundred (or thousand) more Vivian’s & BC Blue’s digging up the real truths!
    And notice that it’s not CTV, but the uber-liberal Canadian Press providing this story, trying to point to Enbridge lobbying as the basis for this decision. Of course CTV is reprinting it though.

  4. Alain Says:

    Kudos and bravo to Vivian. It is wonderful to see that her research and hard work has finally born fruit.

  5. guffman Says:

    Noticed as well that the article says this decision to stop this funding was reached last September. Canadian Press joining the trend (like Postmedia robocalling) of trying to regurgitate old news again with a new ‘evil-Conservatives’ spin – trying to put the government in the pocket of a big energy company.
    btw… not seeing your quote by Ambrose praising Krause on that story.

  6. JR Says:

    From the CTV link:
    “The federal Fisheries Department said last September it would no longer use an $8.3-million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation…”

    The feds have actually been taking money from foreign eco-freaks!? Good grief!!

  7. guffman Says:

    Yes, I saw that in your post… but don’t see it anywhere in the CTV (Canadian Press) page you linked, or any mention of Ambrose or Krause. Sort of sounded like you were quoting from that story.

  8. jmw Says:

    Bravo Vivian. I have followed your work for a couple of years now –thank you for your persistence in the face of some strong and powerful opposition. May you inspire others to do the same!!

  9. Conservative push-back against the eco-fanatics | wellingtonstreetpost Says:

    […] push-back against the eco-fanatics Posted on March 4, 2012 by JR Via BC Blue: Fed deal with charitable group scuttled after Enbridge pressure … ← CBA welcomes new […]

  10. Bec Says:

    She is a true warrior. Her positions are factual and presented with class and integrity. This is such great news!

  11. robins111 Says:

    Next step, start taxing the he11 out of them… I’m thinking about a 75% rate works for me.

    • Jen Says:

      The NDPQF are going to raise Taxes on EVERYTHING and dumb ass CBC and CTV reporters will promote the idea for them.

      LET THE OPPOSITION PARTIES AND THE MEDIA DO THEIR OWN DAMAGE TO CANADA AND CANADIANS as they are doing right now. And while they do so, the PM and the CPC continue to do their job for canada.

  12. Sean M Says:

    Vivian deserves our admiration… Well done Vivian! In exposing these fraud artists for who they are, you have done a real service for all Canadians… Unlike the MSM… Thank you.

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