Christy Clark accused of lying about assassin as proof surfaces he was included on India trade mission list

Maybe the organizers for the Manning Centre conference can ask around how conservatives feel having Liberal Christy Clark at their “family reunion” (see here) who now has been accused of pandering to an attempted murderer in exchange for Indo-Canadian Liberal Party memberships?

Blogger Alex Tsakumis to a source with ties to the Indian Consulate in Vancouver:

AGT: “So, SukhDhaliwal wasn’t the only person the Premier tried to get to India?”

CS: “Correct, she and her people were saying how these other men were good people and all four should be honoured with passage to India for the trip.”

AGT: “And you’re sure of these names? You’re positive?”

CS: “Yes. We had huge problems with this and all requests were denied. It made our good offices very uncomfortable, Mr. Alex.”

AGT: “Name them please.”

CS: “SukhDhaliwal. GurvinderDhaliwal, HarjitAtwal and JaspalAtwal.”

AGT: “Okay, repeat the last name for me. And spell it slowly, please.”


AGT: “Are you certain of that name? Is this the same person who the Premier denied knowing?”

CS: “Correct, Sir. This is the man, Mr. Alex. That was one of the four requests. We were not able to comply and I cannot tell you why.”

AGT: “Do you know of if Mr. Atwal knew about this request? Did he contact you? What was the position of the Consular General? Did this go directly to him? You can appreciate that without passing judgement on any of these men, having any request about any of them coming from the Premier is beyond outrageous.”

CS: “Yes, but no one will comment. If asked, the Consul General will deny everything, we cannot speak publicly. You know this because of your Dad.”

(NOTE: My father was the Trade Commissioner and Vice-Consul of Greece in Vancouver for almost two decades during the 80s and 90s).

AGT: “I understand and appreciate your position. Can you tell me anything else at all?”

CS: “No, I’m very sorry, you know Mr. Alex, we cannot comment officially and I cannot say anything more. I am doing this because you and your family have been very strong supporters of the good people of India. We appreciate this very much; to get the word of the good people out. Thank you!”

AGT: “Well, thank you too. I will continue to press others for further confirmation and answers. The Premier shouldn’t be asking for such favours for ANYONE, regardless of who they are….thanks again my friend. Bless you and may the great country of India and its people continue to prosper.”

CS: “Thank you Mr. Alex, I have no comment on the Premier, I just know what I told you as many people close to the Consulate do. This is not a secret. A few people know the real story.” (see here)

Proud moment for the Manning Centre.

Also: See photo of Liberal leader Bob Rae posing beside Atwal who is a riding association board director in Surrey BC here

4 Responses to “Christy Clark accused of lying about assassin as proof surfaces he was included on India trade mission list”

  1. Sean M Says:

    Here I was thinking the detestable Gordon Campbell was the biggest, most obvious sociopathic liar the Province had ever seen… Kristy Klark is a dangerous unethical lunatic… she can lie through her teeth at the drop of a hat… If this woman was to ever actually receive a mandate from the people of this Province, we would be in a lot of trouble… She’s an unscrupulous, unethical, power mad nut case ( federal “Liberal”), and she would sell this Provinces assets off faster then you can say BC Rail. Of course the media will continue the soft sell that Kristy’s not to blame… I guess Mildewski is helpless to investigate or report on it because he’s not in the right vicinity… either that, or he lost his trenchcoat.

  2. ohboy Says:

    The whole Christy Clark, federal Conservatives & Manning Centre affair…
    Just what is going on here and what are the various attractions amongst these groups? Christy’s is obvious, but the other two ?!!

    Alex is a true journo, cut from the old cloth…when investigative journalism was an honourable craft.
    Not so much so now though.
    I think that some of us made the mistake of thinking Ms Clark could be honourable and do the right thing by the province. Hah!…how’s that working out for us here in BC?

    They say all things come to those with patience…admittedly mine is being sorely tested by various players in these recent actions.

    For the love of BC & this Country…we need some serious gov’t with integrity and smarts.

    Being of a conservative bent is hell on the blood pressure.

  3. BC Liberals allow ex-Liberal MP who once supported a convicted Indo-Canadian gangster to run for them « BC Blue: One BC Conservative's view on it all… Says:

    […] See earlier post here where Dhaliwal’s name came up when Christy Clark was caught lying about her association with […]

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